LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Submission Deadline: Literary Arts Booth Emergency Fund for Writers

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Like many of those in our communities, The COVID-19 pandemic has had a deep impact on Oregon’s writers. Many are experiencing disruptions to their work, family lives and overall financial security. This was confirmed by a recent survey we conducted of Oregon Book Awards & Fellowship recipients and Writer of Color fellowship applicants. 86% of the respondents have either experienced or are anticipating an impact to their financial situation as a result of the pandemic. In response to this need,  Literary Arts has allocated a significant amount from our Brian Booth Writers’ Fund to create the Booth Emergency Fund for Writers. This emergency fund is designed to provide meaningful financial relief to Oregon’s writers, including cartoonists, spoken word poets, and playwrights. Funds are designed but…


Airlie Press: Submit a Video of YOU Reading Your Poem

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

At Airlie Press, we love PNW poets--and beyond! Poetry is always necessary, but especially in these strange and trying times. Help us spread virtual poetry love and send us a video of you reading your poetry for consideration to be included in Airlie's new YouTube channel and social media channels. As an Oregon-based non-profit poetry publisher, we Love poets in the Pacific Northwest or with ties to the PNW. However, this video call is open to poets from anywhere in the world writing and reading poetry primarily in English. Here’s what we really, really adore: - poets whose voices aren't as well-heard as they should be. If you're a poet who identifies as BIPOC, Latinx, Asian, a poet with a disability, LGBTQ(i)A+, or any other…


Deadline: RACC Support Beam

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

We're extending the timeline, recognizing the impacts of the protest movement and COVID-19 on the intended community this program is designed to support. Tell your friends and please apply by Friday, June 12th. Support Beam is an initiative to further emerging visual artists making work in Oregon and Southwest Washington over a period of three to six months. The selection panel will prioritize submissions from Black and Indigenous artists, and artists of color. New work produced during Support Beam is artist-defined and can utilize any discipline or media that can ultimately be wall mounted. Individual grants will be between $3,000 and $5,000.


Deadline: NACF Native Arts Emergency Support Project

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

In response to the crisis and hardships brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Native Arts and Cultures Foundation (NACF) has launched the Native Arts Emergency Support Project (NAESP), aimed at providing support for our Native artists whose livelihoods and families have been impacted by COVID-19. This is the second phase of the NAESP, and we are accepting applications from local Portland (OR) metro area artists (full eligibility criteria below). In the first phase NACF was able to provide support to 70 of its previous awardees through two funding cycles. Monies for the NAESP have been reallocated and repurposed from NACF funds as designated by the board of directors and staff leadership. NACF continues to actively recruit partners to help contribute to the fund. NACF’s…


Submission Deadline: Grits: Summer Issue

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

What is Grits? Grits is a forthcoming independent publication that will be distributed on the internet. The goal of this publication is to unite reading/writing with design/art to share weird truths that make us feel human. It was founded in May 2020 with the belief that there are can never be too many small press publications. I hope this publication feels like a win-win when the bigger things lately have been feeling like loss after loss. Why is it called Grits? This publication is called “grits” because the word manages to balances all its disparate personalities in one syllable. It’s the dirt under your fingernails and it's your badass tenacity. It’s scum and resolve, firm courage with a rough edge. It’s also a hearty wholesome…


Submission Deadline: 2021 Bitch Media Fellowships for Writers

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

We’re pleased to announce that the 2021 Bitch Media Fellowships for Writers applications are now open! A series of three-month intensive writing fellowships, the goal is to develop, support, and amplify emerging voices in feminist media. All fellows will work under the guidance of Bitch cofounder Andi Zeisler. This fellowship was created in order to cultivate and amplify new voices. If you are a writer who has minimal publication experience, we strongly encourage you to apply. If you are passionate about one of the above subject areas but do not have a history of writing or blogging about them, we strongly encourage you to apply. If you are a writer still figuring out what subjects obsess you, we strongly encourage you to apply. Fellows will work in one of four subject…


Submission Deadline: Literary Arts Booth Emergency Fund for Writers

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Like many of those in our communities, The COVID-19 pandemic has had a deep impact on Oregon’s writers. Many are experiencing disruptions to their work, family lives and overall financial security. This was confirmed by a recent survey we conducted of Oregon Book Awards & Fellowship recipients and Writer of Color fellowship applicants. 86% of the respondents have either experienced or are anticipating an impact to their financial situation as a result of the pandemic. In response to this need,  Literary Arts has allocated a significant amount from our Brian Booth Writers’ Fund to create the Booth Emergency Fund for Writers. This emergency fund is designed to provide meaningful financial relief to Oregon’s writers, including cartoonists, spoken word poets, and playwrights. Update: The first application…


Submission Deadline: The Gravity of the Thing: New Writers Issue and Fall 2020 Issue

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

From June 1st to July 31st, The Gravity of the Thing welcomes submissions for its first New Writers Issue. As it is our goal to support emerging writers, this is our way of creating a welcoming space for writers and artists who are new to publishing. If you like to experiment with language and discover through writing, we encourage you to share your work with us! To be eligible, your submission must be your first creative publication, not including blog posts or literary journals you are associated with academically. That is, if you have never had your writing published in the past, or your creative writing has only ever appeared on websites you curate or in student-run magazines housed at your school or college, then you may submit to this issue. The Gravity of the Thing is…


Submission Deadline: Loving Gaze Poetry Contest

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

loving gaze is an annual poetry contest for women and nonbinary writers. you can read the INAUGURAL winning poem by tori ashley matos here. submissions are currently OPEN and always free. this year’s winning poem will be chosen by Tori Ashley Matos, winner of last year’s contest. all poems will be read first by gaze creator and editor, Darla Mottram, who will narrow the competition down to a group of finalists. the author of the winning poet will receive publication and $150. other finalists may be offered publication at the standard rate. to submit, please send no more than three poems in a single document to gazesubmissions at be sure to indicate that you are submitting to the loving gaze poetry contest in the…
