LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Oregon Book Awards Submission Deadline

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

The finalists for the 2021 Oregon Book Awards will be announced by March 2021, and the winners will be announced at the Oregon Book Awards Ceremony to be held in May 2021. Work may be submitted by the author, publisher, producer, or any member of the public. Eligibile titles will have an original publication date between September 1, 2019 and August 31, 2020. Guidelines and application form here


Submissions Open: The Longest Night: HOCUS Presents Stories of Darkness

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Submissions now open for The Longest Night: HOCUS Presents Stories of Darkness, to be presented online December 20th in conjunction with Jolabokaflod PDX. Submissions are open until December 2nd. HOCUS is looking for fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction of no more than 1500 words. Please visit the website and click on the Submit tab for full info.


Submission Deadline: Pathos Literary Magazine: Fall 2020

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

✏️ hey creative cats and kittens... submissions for our FALL 2020 issue are now open! 📥 we’d love to have your prose, poetry, or artwork by october 28th. check out our linktree in the bio to submit your stuff. General Guidelines from Pathos's Website: You must be a current student at Portland State University to be considered for publication. We are funded by PSU and serve as a creative outlet for its students. We are happy to point non-students toward local publishing resources, but cannot publish non-students at this time. Please only put your name and identifying info in the specified section of the form. All submissions are blind — only the managing editor will know the identity of the submitter until after selections have been made.…


Oregon Literary Fellowships Application Deadline

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Oregon Literary Fellowships are intended to help Oregon writers initiate, develop, or complete literary projects in poetry, fiction, literary nonfiction, drama (including scripts for television and film), and young readers literature. Read the guidelines and apply.


Submission Deadline: The Gravity of the Thing: Fall 2020

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Our Fall 2020 reading period is open from September 1st to October 31st. The Gravity of the Thing accepts defamiliarized works in the following general categories: Short: tell us a story in 3,000 words or less; we are interested in fiction, creative nonfiction, self-contained excerpts, and genre-bending forms. Flash: a fiction, creative nonfiction, or genre-bending story under 500 words. Poetry: share one or more poems, prose poems, or multimedia works for a combined count of 500 words or less. Six Words: a story in six words; you may share up to five stories per submission, but only one will be chosen. Baring the Device: essays for our Baring the Device column; click here to learn more. The Gravity of the Thing publishes work on a rolling basis throughout its quarterly reading periods. A majority of submissions are read during the months of February, May,…


Submission Deadline: Grits Quarterly: Issue #2: Earth

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Grits Quarterly is seeking your truest weirds in the form of writing and visual art for Issue #2 of the digital lit mag, for fall 2020. The theme for this issue is "Earth," open to broad interpretations. For more information, please visit our instagram @gritsquarterly or


Submission Deadline: Portland Review

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Portland Review is open for general submissions September 14 through October 31. This fall, we’re looking for work born out of grief and a rage for justice. Work born out of boredom and loneliness, joystick escapism, essential labor, and kitchen-table kindergarten-by-Zoom. We want the fragments you composed mentally while tending your community and the epic you penned in isolation. (But keep it under 5000 words, please.) To submit book reviews, read our guidelines here. We are not currently accepting visual art. ABOUT US: For over sixty years, Portland Review has published the works of emerging writers and artists alongside the works of well-established authors. We warmly encourage previously unpublished writers and artists to submit, and we aim to support work by those often marginalized in the artistic…


Submission Deadline: Artist Relief Program

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

The Artist Relief Program is administered by the Oregon Arts Commission, in partnership with Oregon Community Foundation and the James F. and Marion L. Miller Foundation. The Artist Relief Program provides relief funding to Oregon artists who have experienced financial hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic due to cancellations of exhibitions, performances, rehearsals or other activities with a stipend, events, teaching opportunities, book signings, or other professional presentation opportunities. The program supports professional artists who have experienced or anticipate experiencing loss of revenue of $1,000 or more between March 1 and December 31, 2020. Awards range from $1,000 to $5,000. Artists from underserved communities, including (but not limited to) rural communities and communities of color, as well as artists with disabilities, are especially encouraged to apply. For more information,…


Submission Deadline: Tin House Winter Workshop

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Due to COVID-19 and our continued commitment to keeping our communities safe, the 2021 Winter Workshop will take place virtually from January 14-18, 2021, and will feature workshops in nonfiction, novel, poetry, and short fiction. General Applicants: Apply Here. Scholarship Applicants: Apply Here. Tin House is offering a limited number of application fee waivers this year for those whose income or employment has been affected by COVID-19. We will be distributing these waivers on a first-come, first-serve basis. Payment plans are also available for the $25 application fee and tuition. More info here.


Submission Deadline: Oregon Humanities: Posts for Feed

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

For the fall/winter issue of Oregon Humanities, we want to hear stories about food, consumption, nourishment, and sustenance. What keeps our systems running, and what feeds our spiritual, social, and intellectual hungers? Send your submission (400 words maximum) by November 11, 2020 to Submissions may be edited for space or clarity. Writers for Posts are not paid, but do receive a thank-you gift.
