LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Spring 5-Minute Reading Marathon

The Stacks Coffeehouse 1831 N. Killingsworth St, Portland, OR, United States

Join us for our Spring Five-Minute Marathon Reading! If you were here for our Grand Opening party in December, you’re familiar with the format, but if not—each reader will read a five minute piece, and there will be about ten minutes between each reading, all afternoon. It’s a lot of fun, and we hope you can be there! Readers include: jay dodd, Sophia Shalmiyev, Nastashia Minto, Myllo Mae, Callum Angus, Gary Gamza, Ben McPherson, Laura Lampton Scott, Cecily Patterson, Michele Glazer, Alissa Hattman, Bethany Marcel, & Consuelo Wise.


Dovesong Labs Salon Series 002

The Stacks Coffeehouse 1831 N. Killingsworth St, Portland, OR, United States

THE SECOND salon & first of the summer! ft Leigh Nishi-Strattner local poetry legend & international influencer, John Manuel Arias a poetry & prose stunt queen visiting from DC, & Callum Angus, Portland's newest nature fave fiction professor. Leigh Nishi-Strattner is a ghost in a girl-shaped body. Currently, she is haunting a pre-war apartment in her hometown of Portland, Oregon. Her latest book Bone Honey, published in 2018 by Club Soft Things, is available for purchase online at The way to her heart is a bouquet of freshly cut white florals tied with a ribbon. (That’s a hint). (@ex_waifu on IG) JOHN MANUEL ARIAS is a gay, Costa Rican and Uruguayan poet back in Washington, DC after many years. He is a Canto Mundo…


Massy Arts presents Callum Angus, Hazel Jane Plante, and Corinne Manning

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Massy Arts Society and Metonymy Press present Callum Angus in conversation with Hazel Jane Plante and Corinne Manning. A celebration of A Natural History of Transition, the debut story collection by Callum Angus. Massy Arts Society and Metonymy Press present the author in conversation with Hazel Jane Plante and Corinne Manning A Natural History of Transition is a collection of short stories that disrupts the notion that trans people can only have one transformation. Like the landscape studied over eons, change does not have an expiration date for these trans characters, who grow as tall as buildings, turn into mountains, unravel hometown mysteries, and give birth to cocoons. Portland-based author Callum Angus infuses his work with a mix of alternative history, horror, and a reality…
