20 online events added, with workshops, book clubs, journaling prompts, and readings for July and one for August. Events hosted by Write Around Portland, Reading is Resistance, PAM, and Powell’s Books.
Comments closedCategory: Additions
9 events added, containing a mixture of mostly online events with two in-person socially-distanced events.
Comments closed28 online events added for July and August from Literary Arts, IPRC, Outlet, Attic Institute, Corporeal Writing, Bitch Media, Tin House, Portland Zine Symposium, and PNCA.
Comments closed3 online events added: a chamber music concert with narratives from Chamber Music Northwest, poetry slam and open mic from Portland Poetry Slam, and a book sale at Backstory Books & Yarn.
Comments closed8 online events from Powell’s Books added for July, and 2 updates to submission deadlines (one in June, one in July).
Comments closed9 online events added for June and upcoming summer months, including open mics, readings, fundraisers, and teen workshops.
Comments closed5 online events added for June and July, and one in-person book sale.
Comments closed3 online events added and one updated!
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