54 events, mostly online, for September from a variety of hosts. 1 submission deadline for the 1st of October for a poetry contest.
Comments closedCategory: Submission Deadlines
28 online events added for July and August from Literary Arts, IPRC, Outlet, Attic Institute, Corporeal Writing, Bitch Media, Tin House, Portland Zine Symposium, and PNCA.
Comments closed8 online events from Powell’s Books added for July, and 2 updates to submission deadlines (one in June, one in July).
Comments closed2 deadlines for covid-19 support and relief funding added, both in June. 2 upcoming online events.
Comments closed33 online events added for May, and 2 submission deadlines for emergency funding.
Comments closedAdded 13 online events, most of which from Literary Arts, and one submission deadline for Pathos Literary Magazine.
Comments closed22 events for March, 2 updates with cancellations, and 2 submission deadlines for a reading series and journal.
Comments closed12 events for January and February, and 2 January deadlines for reading submissions.
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