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Band of Submitting Writers & Artists—Begins March 14th

March 14, 2021 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Online, N/A, Portland, OR 97207

WHAT: A two week online collaboration on submitting work to literary publications

WHEN: Sunday March 14th @12-2pm & Sunday, March 21st @12-2pm

ACCESS: $100 (additional $50 for glamour photo by Katie) Payment plans always available—contact Daniel at

Where: The Corporeal Zoom room

SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarships are available for collaboration only, not headshots please click here to apply.

So, you’ve written something and/or created some visual art and want to get it out into the world of literary publications, now what?

The process of submitting can be overwhelming, whether you’re just beginning to think about it, or returning to the process, and doing it alone can seem even more daunting. Where do we begin? Who do we submit to? What if you have questions along the way?

In this 2-week collaboration we’ll go over ways to begin, how to keep going when rejections seem to pour in, and when our own internal obstacles cloud us over, ways to stay organized, valuable platforms to engage with, and most importantly we’ll do it together real-time.

Being in a supportive group of fellow mammals going through a similar process can be vital in cultivating confidence, motivation and absorbing information. We all have so much to offer one another in experiences like this.

Week 1: We’ll go over all the logistical stuff, and have a discussion. Katie will answer questions. We will get started on organization and research.

Week 2: We will spend this time submitting together after doing the research, starting to get organized, and working on loose ends. There will be ample time to ask questions as you go, and learn from one another. We will also take a break on the hour each time we meet.

If you’ve signed up for the option that includes a headshot in Portland by our very own photographer in residence, Katie, she will be in touch for scheduling.

What you’ll need:

A notebook for notes, an idea of what you’d like to submit next, and motivation!s

Katie Collins-Guinn is an artist, writer, designer, and creative beast.

She’s a graduate of the late Art Institute of Portland where she studied Apparel Design.

Her adult coloring book The Stoner Babes was recently published with Microcosm Publishing.

She’s spent time as a contributing freelance writer for the Portland Mercury.

She’s had work published in Nailed Magazine, The Rumpus, Entropy, Stone Pacific Magazine and The Manifest-station.

She co-parents blood and non- blood daughters, as well as 21 roses and counting

Katie has been part of the Corporeal Writing community that helps save lives, including her own, since the very first workshop in 2015. She’s been Creatinator and Swag Hag at Corporeal Writing since 2019. Photo by Christine Shields