LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.
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The Last Stand at The Wildwood Featuring Tracy Burkholder 1/6/20
January 6, 2020 @ 8:30 pm - 11:00 pm
FreeThe Last Stand at the Wildwood Saloon is OVER THE MOON to be featuring the writing of Tracy Burkholder, author of I Want More, a lyric hybrid of memoir, poetry and image released by Summerbear Press in 2019.
STOP! Before we go further, we had better read what a reviewer has said of her work, Deb on Amazon: “This book will remind your ribs and skin what it was like to long before you locked longing in a closet meant for somebody else. Each page prompts you to hold your breath, then let it out again slow. It will make you want to remember the days when you knew what a body can know.”
Okay. Are you on the floor yet? Alive? Ready? Deb is telling us, once and for all, that we had better get ourselves to the Wildwood before we lose the capacity to touch, and if we have lost this capacity, let Burkholder’s work awaken in you the capacity to remember. We yet breathe!!!
Another description of her work: “I Want More is a map that expands beyond the realm of boy meets girl (and girl meets girl) into the internal and external geographies that make up the broad territory of our desires.” (from the promo on the page where YOU can press a button and poof, it is in your hands!)
Burkholder’s writing has been published in literary journals including PANK and The Cincinnati Review. She’s also a massage therapist and a photographer, whose many photos of trees, sidewalks, calloused and teetering volumes of space fall under the category of Involuntary Painting. Jennifer Robin (yes, I am hosting and writing this) has been admiring Tracy’s photography and poetics for many years now.
I’m going to bombard you with one more review, let it tip you into free-fall:
“I held my breath so many times that longing itself rushed into my body. No one anywhere is exploring a more thrilling resuscitation of writing and the body. The interplay between text, image, and the insistence of liminal space as a real place where desire and language might yet rewrite a life simply stunned me.” —Lidia Yuknavitch, author of The Book of Joan
You know the drill: Open mic starts at 8:30. The feature starts after 9:00 but before 9:30. After the feature, the open mic continues until the last Earthling standing, or the jukebox explodes and the Keno players find their hands have turned into furry pink hooves. Let’s give them pan pipes! Monday!!!