LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Submission Deadline: The Gravity of the Thing: Winter 2021

Online N/A, Portland

Our Winter 2021 reading period is open from December 1st to January 31st. We accept defamiliarized works in the following general categories: Short: tell us a story in 3,000 words or less; we are interested in fiction, creative nonfiction, self-contained excerpts, and genre-bending forms. Flash: a fiction, creative nonfiction, or genre-bending story under 500 words. Poetry: share one or more poems, prose poems, or multimedia works for a combined count of 500 words or less. Six Words: a story in six words; you may share up to five stories per submission, but only one will be chosen. Baring the Device: essays about literary defamiliarization—or defamiliarized essays about craft, storytelling, or publishing—for our Baring the Device column; click here to learn more. The Gravity of the Thing publishes work on a rolling basis throughout its quarterly reading periods. A majority of submissions…


Poets’ Benefit for PWNW—The dance moves on and prose limps hopelessly behind.

Online N/A, Portland

Spare Room and Passages Bookshop present a virtual reading & performance to benefit Performance Works Northwest Celebrating 20 years of Portland's most inspiring independent movement and performance venue, Performance Works NW (and 19 years of Spare Room), past and present members of the Spare Room reading series collective will come together from diverse locations to read and perform poems and things. Mark Owens, Maryrose Larkin, Laura Feldman, Chris Piuma, David Abel, Joseph Bradshaw, Sam Lohmann, Endi Hartigan, James Yeary, Jen Coleman, Chris Ashby Organized by David Abel of Passages Bookshop Pay what you will. Suggested $8-$25 If you need a free ticket email us at ZOOM LINK TO THE EVENT WILL BE EMAILED TO YOU

Free – $25