LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi in Conversation With Tayari Jones

Online N/A, Portland

International award-winning author Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi’s new novel, A Girl Is a Body of Water (Tin House), is a sweeping and powerful portrait of a young girl and her family: who they are, what history has taken from them, and — most importantly — how they find their way back to each other. In her 12th year, Kirabo, a young Ugandan girl, confronts a piercing question that has haunted her childhood: Who is my mother? Kirabo has been raised by women in the small village of Nattetta — her grandmother, her best friend, and her many aunts — but the absence of her mother follows her like a shadow. Complicating these feelings of abandonment, as Kirabo comes of age she feels the emergence of a…


First Matter Press 2020 Book Release

Cathedral Park N Edison Street and Pittsburg Avenue, Portland

Come join First Matter Press for a Poetry Reading in the Park to celebrate our 2020 Titles, featuring Peter Hamer, Eitan Codish, K. M. Lighthouse, Dan Wiencek and Lauren Paredes. Sunday, September 13, 2020 Cathedral Park, Portland OR (underneath the St. John's Bridge) Gather at 5:30pm Readings begin at 6pm Physical distancing and masks required. Please bring your own blanket/chair, drinks and snacks. Questions? Rain? Check our website for weather updates


Mike Birbiglia & J. Hope Stein Ticketed Event

Online N/A, Portland

In The New One: Painfully True Stories From a Reluctant Dad (Grand Central), comedian Mike Birbiglia devotes his unflinching and brilliant storytelling acumen to parenthood — to fatherhood — as well as how he, a man deeply determined never to have children, found himself with one. Nuanced, honest, hilarious, but also poignant, it’s a story that reveals not only his own but also our collective human nature — reassuring us that we’re actually all in this thing together. The New One is sprinkled with poetry by Birbiglia’s wife, J. Hope Stein, written as she navigated the same rocky shores of new parenthood. With laugh-out-loud observations on the roller coaster of being a parent, The New One is perfect for anyone who has ever raised a…
