POPS: Portland Oregon Paper Shapers
POPS: Portland Oregon Paper Shapers
The New Monthly Origami Group Meetings at IPRC! Portland Oregon Paper Shapers, aka POPS, is a community of origami enthusiasts that formally met monthly at Belmont Library. After almost 3 years hiatus due to the pandemic, POPS will resume monthly meetings at IPRC on the first Sunday of each month from 2 to 4 pm, starting January 2023! Since the first Sunday of January is a holiday (1/1), we will meet on January 8th instead. We will also meet on February 5th. If you're interested in origami and want to explore a new community, please come fold with us! All ages, genders, and skill levels are welcome to join POPS. Children under 12 are asked to be accompanied by adults. Please contact Yuki Martin at…