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Eminent Oregonians: Abigail Scott Duniway, Richard Neuberger, Jesse Applegate

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Based largely on primary sources, authors Jane Kirkpatrick, Steven Forrester, and R. Gregory Nokes present compelling, three-dimensional views of the adventurous, consequential, and sometimes heart-breaking lives of three notable individuals in their new book, Eminent Oregonians. Renowned author Jane Kirkpatrick shares the life of suffragist Abigail Scott Duniway, a lecturer, organizer, writer, and editor who devoted over forty years to the cause of women’s rights. Oregon columnist and publisher Steven Forrester presents Richard Neuberger, whose election to the U.S. Senate changed Oregon and national politics. Acclaimed journalist R. Gregory Nokes shares the live of abolitionist Jesse Applegate, who is most remembered for his leadership role in establishing the Applegate Trail. According to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Nicholas Kristoff, Eminent Oregonians is “an inspiring and moving account of three…
