Spec Script 3rd Anniversary: The Mandalorian
Kelly's Olympian 426 Southwest Washington St, Portland, OR, United StatesSpec Script celebrates 3 years of podcasting/tv/comedy/wrestling glory on February 9th. To celebrate this monumental day we will read an episode of The Mandalorian, written by theatre phenom Anne Zander! Reading this time we have Sean Neligan Dan Heise Alexandra Jade Jaren George And more! And besides a wonderful script we will be having our massive wrestling extravaganza NUcleYEAR FallOUCH 3! Here Champion Shane Hosea and his army of minions will battle Cat Dad for the 3xPW Championship! There can be only one! This show has everything, so make your way to Kelly’s Olympian in Portland, Feb 9th, 7pm to celebrate 3 awesome years of our awesome show!