Red Light Lit is a mashup of photography, poetry, and prose set to a live score, featuring the photography of Erin Wilson Farrell. The readings explore love, relationships, sexuality, and gender. Featured readers include: Jessie Carver, Amber Flame, Laura Gibson, Miah Jeffra, Jennifer Lewis, and Preeti Vangani. Musical guest Nick Jaina will be providing the live score, singing original music, and reading from his upcoming novel, Hitomi. AMBER FLAME is an interdisciplinary artist and writer whose work has garnered residencies with Hedgebrook, The Watering Hole, Vermont Studio Center, and Yefe Nof. Flame’s original work has been published in diverse arenas, including Def Jam Poetry, Winter Tangerine, DIALOGIST, Split This Rock, Black Heart Magazine, Sundress Publications, FreezeRay, Redivider, and more. As Hugo House’s writer-in-residence for poetry,…