LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Incite: Queer Writers Read

Literary Arts 925 SW Washington Street, Portland, OR, United States

Celebrating Women's History month, our readers will explore our female forbearers. Please join us for a powerful reading by Joaquin Lopez, Daniel Elder, Flint Flint, and special guest from Seattle, Amber Flame. (Thanks to Pattie Ladd for donating her expertise to create our new logo.)


Red Light Lit: AWP

The Liquor Store 3341 SE Belmont St, Portland, OR, United States

Red Light Lit is a mashup of photography, poetry, and prose set to a live score, featuring the photography of Erin Wilson Farrell. The readings explore love, relationships, sexuality, and gender. Featured readers include: Jessie Carver, Amber Flame, Laura Gibson, Miah Jeffra, Jennifer Lewis, and Preeti Vangani. Musical guest Nick Jaina will be providing the live score, singing original music, and reading from his upcoming novel, Hitomi. AMBER FLAME is an interdisciplinary artist and writer whose work has garnered residencies with Hedgebrook, The Watering Hole, Vermont Studio Center, and Yefe Nof. Flame’s original work has been published in diverse arenas, including Def Jam Poetry, Winter Tangerine, DIALOGIST, Split This Rock, Black Heart Magazine, Sundress Publications, FreezeRay, Redivider, and more. As Hugo House’s writer-in-residence for poetry,…


Write Bloody at AWP – Portland

Revolution Hall 1300 SE Stark St, Portland, OR, United States

Featured readers: Anis Mojgani, Derrick C. Brown Poetry, Amber Flame, Mindy Nettifee, Anneleyse Gelman, Taylor Mali (the poet), Seema Reza, Aurielle Marie, and surprise guests!


Nailed Zine Launch

AFRU Gallery 534 SE Oak Street, Portland, OR, United States

It's really happening -- Nailed is going to print! Join us at AFRU Gallery as we celebrate the launch of Nailed Zine with and evening of artwork and readings from some of our favorite contributors. Our stellar lineup for the night includes: Amber Flame Sage Schick Robert Torres Jessica Wadleigh & the artwork of Sienna Morris Doors open at 7pm. Reading at 7:30pm Drinks and light snacks available See you all there!


Seek Shelter Salon

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

We are thrilled and honored to feature these beautiful and powerful Black writers at the next Seek Shelter Salon: Amber Flame, Breezy Janae, Jewels, Nastashia Minto, and Shay Raymond. Please join us this Saturday, June 20, at 5 p.m. PST to seek shelter in words, in art, and in each other. We only have room for 100 people, so make sure you mark your calendars and go to to download the app. Then go to room 584-693-1435.
