LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Writing Characters Who Take Up Space

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

For all the descriptive writing in the world, it is often difficult to fully realize a physical body in a physical space for a reader. Bodies are so varied, spaces contain so many possibilities, but both bodies and spatial possibilities are often overlooked in writing craft. This class will use ideas presented in Amy Cuddy’s book, Presence: Bringing your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges, Bessel Van Der Kolk’s, The Body Keeps Score, and others, to present new ways of exploring the physical presence of characters on the page, their experiences with themselves, with their environment and with other characters. Access Program We want our writing classes to be accessible to everyone, regardless of income and background. We understand that our tuition structure can present…


Beautiful, Flawed, and Troubled: Creating Memorable Characters with Carter Sickels

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

WHAT: A four-week generative online collaboration WHEN: Begins Saturday, October 16th, 2021. This class is hosted on our rich interactive online platform, WetInk. The class is broken into four weeks, and within those weeks you go at your own pace. There will be one Zoom meeting at the end of the class to wrap things up, date TBD. ACCESS: $350. Payment plans always available—contact Daniel at SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarships are available, please click here to apply. The most memorable characters in fiction are the most human, motivated by desires and regrets, and deeply shaped by places, people, and memories. In this creative incubator, we’ll explore how to develop complex characters with emotional depth. How does desire inform the mystery of a character? How do characters…


2021 Tin House Virtual Craft Intensive: Seeding a Speculative World, with Dominica Phetteplace

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

This class will explore the joys of creating a world that departs from our agreed-upon reality in significant ways. Science-fiction, fantasy, horror, magic realism and other genres have exciting storytelling potential arising from the way characters interact with their surroundings. This class will focus on character and world building exercises that set up narratives with depth and momentum. Tin House is proud to announce our latest virtual Craft Intensives Series. A series of 3-hour-long masterclasses lead by  Tin House Residents and Tin House Books Authors, these Intensives combine close reading, discussion, and in-class writing to offer a potent dose of inspiration and explore what makes writing work when it works. Join us! Applying Admissions are rolling—first come, first served—and will fill fast! You do not…


2021 Tin House Virtual Craft Intensive: Character in Scene, with Kim Fu

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

*Saturday is sold out, join waitlist by emailing or purchase Sunday below* The best fictional characters, like real people, can seldom be boiled down to a simple list of traits and adjectives. They exist in communities and relationships, are borne from and generate conflict, and are inseparable from the story being told. They might draw from the writer’s personal knowledge and experiences, while blossoming into someone wholly different and new. Who they are dictates what they do, but what they do also tells us who they are. In this class, we will practice building story and character in tandem, and writing key scenes that reveal a character to the reader—and to the writer. Participants will leave with new writing: new ways to understand and…


2021 Tin House Virtual Craft Intensive: Character in Scene, with Kim Fu

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

*Saturday is sold out, join waitlist by emailing or purchase Sunday below* The best fictional characters, like real people, can seldom be boiled down to a simple list of traits and adjectives. They exist in communities and relationships, are borne from and generate conflict, and are inseparable from the story being told. They might draw from the writer’s personal knowledge and experiences, while blossoming into someone wholly different and new. Who they are dictates what they do, but what they do also tells us who they are. In this class, we will practice building story and character in tandem, and writing key scenes that reveal a character to the reader—and to the writer. Participants will leave with new writing: new ways to understand and…


Writing Characters Who Take Up Space

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

For all the descriptive writing in the world, it is often difficult to fully realize a physical body in a physical space for a reader. Bodies are so varied, spaces contain so many possibilities, but both bodies and spatial possibilities are often overlooked in writing craft. This class will use ideas presented in Amy Cuddy’s book, Presence: Bringing your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges, Bessel Van Der Kolk’s, The Body Keeps Score, and others, to present new ways of exploring the physical presence of characters on the page, their experiences with themselves, with their environment and with other characters. Access Program We want our writing classes to be accessible to everyone, regardless of income and background. We understand that our tuition structure can present…


Nine-Month Memoir Intensive

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

This class begins in September, with the goal of finishing a complete draft of a memoir by June. Participants do not need to be published writers; however, they should have some experience with elements of memoir, including character, setting, dialogue and scene, and have a clear project in mind that they will devote nine months to. They should also be comfortable in a workshop setting, giving and receiving criticism on works in progress. Contact Susan Moore at with questions. Access Program We want our writing classes and Delves to be accessible to everyone, regardless of income and background. We understand that our tuition structure can present obstacles for some people. Our Access Program offers writing class and Delve tuitions at a reduced rate. The…
