LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Comic History Lecture

Books with Pictures 1401 SE Division Street, Portland, OR, United States

Comics author and critic Douglas Wolk will lecture on "Batgirl on Burnside: A Brief History of Superhuman Activity in Oregon."


COMIC BOOK Trivia Night hosted by the Radioactive Geeks

The Nerd Out 3308 SE Belmont St, Portland, OR, United States

Trivia night is hosted by the Radioactive Geeks crew. Sponsored by Strange SOlutions Marketing & Consulting. IT'S COMIC BOOK MONTH SO GUESS WHAT? COMIC BOOK TRIVIA!! A group of Diverse Nerds that specialize in media coverage, comedy, and community. TRIVIA DETAILS Teams - 2-4 people (SOME exceptions can be discussed) 4 Rounds with 5 Questions each. Chances to earn BONUS POINTS each round. Top Three Teams win prizes for most points. Prizes will be from: The Nerd Out, Excalibur Comics, Books with Pictures , Rogue Toys , Belmont Book Store, Flying Pie Pizza and the Radioactive Geeks themselves!


Creator Q & A with Tidal Wave Publishing’s Darren Davis

The Nerd Out 3308 SE Belmont St, Portland, OR, United States

It is Comic Book Month so we figured we should have a comic creator join us for an evening. Have a meal and a few drinks with Comic Creator Darren Davis of Tidal Wave Publishing. TidalWave: You can feel it coming before you actually experience it – a pressure, an electrical charge, and then the thunder. Winds blow, waters churn, and no one can escape its power. TidalWave delivers a multimedia experience unparalleled in the burgeoning graphic fiction and nonfiction marketplace. Dynamic storytelling coupled with groundbreaking art delivers an experience like no other. Stories are told through multiple platforms and genres, gracing the pages of graphic novels, novelizations, engaging audio dramas, cutting-edge film projects, and more. Diversity defines TidalWave’s offerings in the burgeoning pop…


“Comics in the Classroom” Workshops at PSU

Portland State University - Branford P. Millar Library 1875 SW Park Avenue, Portland, OR, United States

This one-day conference, designed for teachers and librarians, will focus on how to use graphic novels in educational settings. Topics will include practical tips for incorporating comics in existing curricula, approaches for different age/grade levels, and teaching about the mechanics of sequential art. Participants will get takeaways such as example lesson plans with discussion guides, classroom and homework activities, handouts, assessments, project ideas, and rubrics. Co-sponsored by the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. Details and registration information will be available soon.


Nobody’s Fool: The Life and Times of Schlitzie the Pinhead

Powell's City of Books 1005 W Burnside Street, Portland, OR, United States

From Bill Griffith, creator of Zippy the Pinhead, comes the first-ever biography of Schlitzie, a major sideshow attraction from the early 1920s to the late 1960s. Nobody’s Fool (Abrams ComicArts) follows the story of Schlitzie’s long career, from Coney Island and the Ringling Bros. Circus to small-town carnivals and big-city sideshows. Today, Schlitzie is most well-known for his appearance in the cult classic Freaks. Griffith’s graphic novel biography offers a unique look into Schlitzie’s world and restores dignity to his life by recognizing his contributions to popular culture.


Underpants and Overbites Webcomics Meet-Up

Books with Pictures 1401 SE Division Street, Portland, OR, United States

Connect with Jackie, creator of the charming webcomic Underpants and Overbites!


Indie Comix Reading

IPRC (Independent Publishing Resource Center) 318 SE Main Street #175, Portland, OR, United States

To celebrate Portland’s Comic Book month, there will be a rad reading of talented indie cartoonists at the IPRC!  With content ranging from personal and introspective to fantastical and obscene, it should be a wild night!  This event will take place on Monday April 29th, 6:30, doors at 6, at the Independent Publishing Resource Center.  Bring cash to buy comics and support the artists! Tanya Boney  Written by Grey Traynor, drawn by Rachel Mulder, Tanya Boney is a comic about a teen girl living her best life by destroying the lives others. Tanya Boney: @tanya_boney_official / Rachel Mulder: @rchlmulder / Grey Traynor: @gaytraynor Ebin Lee Ebin Lee is a barista (kind of) in their extremely late 20s who went to art school and now draws…


Mo Welch in Conversation With Stacey Hallal

Powell's City of Books 1005 W Burnside Street, Portland, OR, United States

Stand-up comedian Mo Welch’s How to Die Alone (Workman) is a self-help guide for NOT helping yourself, packed with irreverent humor and terrible life advice for modern adults. Welch's comics illustrate and celebrate our common afflictions – social anxiety, terrible dates, too few friends (who aren't cats), too many cookies, too much wine, and an allergy to exercise and day jobs – with totally relatable, slightly dark, and genuinely funny humor. Welch will be joined in conversation by comedian Stacey Hallal, founder of Portland’s Curious Comedy Theater.


The Nib “Empire” Magazine Issue Release Party

Books with Pictures 1401 SE Division Street, Portland, OR, United States

On May Day, we're celebrating the celebrate the release of The Nib's new quarterly print issue, Empire! The Nib, America’s most-read daily comics publication, is inviting the Portland community to come celebrate the launch of the magazine with drinks, giveaways, and live readings! Come out to see the new issue, plus meet The Nib's editors, pick up some free Nib swag, and hear the behind-the-scenes of how the comics in the issue were made. The Empire issue delves into the chaotic governmental practices shattering civilizations across the world and the lasting impact globalization has played on cultures, communities and marginalized peoples. Some noteworthy contributors to this issue include Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist for the Washington Post Ann Telnaes, critically acclaimed cartoonist Rob Rogers who was…
