LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

PageBoy Magazine Happy Hour!

Rose City Book Pub 1329 NE Fremont, Portland, OR, United States

Join PageBoy Magazine for happy hour at Rose City Book Pub! We'll have over seventeen glorious readers reading seventeen-word poems from our latest issue devoted entirely to that form. "Simply the newest and most exciting literary form in recent memory! We unapologetically give it 17 honks!" –The Harpo Marx Review of Brevity. Full list of performers at the PageBoy Magazine blog! Contact: Thomas Walton PageBoy Magazine will host a constraint based, offsite event as part of AWP. A happy hour event from 4:30-6 at Rose City Book Pub on Friday 3/29. The event will be devoted to the poetic form the Seventeen - essentially a seventeen word poem or prose work. Seventeen writers will read work in this form, two heavy metal thrashers - aka…


Queer Bodies/Queer Forms: Leaving Behind the Retrograde w/ Cooper Lee Bombardier

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

A 6-week online workshop STARTS: July 19th, 2020 COST: $350 (scholarships available - preference to queer/trans POC writers - click here to apply) Cooper Lee Bombardier says: “To me, queer is expansive, queer is hybrid, queer is taking what works and leaves behind the retrograde.” Yes, for many queer is also an identity but you don’t have to identify as queer to benefit from a look at queer forms, or attempting to queer your own work. We’ll look at work that might be considered queer in content as well as form, and will embark on multiple generative writing “experiments” where we try on the forms and constraints studied, enter into conversation with them, become inspired by them, apply them to our own creative voices, and invent our own…
