Curious Comedy Theater 5225 NE MLK Blvd, Portland, OR, United StatesFEATURING: SHANNON BALCOM-GRAVES 4-Time Back Fence PDX: Russian Roulette Winner, Co-Host of Sex, Drugs, & Basketball on, CHRIS WILLIAMS Creator of Front Porch Sessions and the Turnout Storytelling Series at The Secret Society, Does a Spot-On Marlon Brando Impression (Heavier Marlon Brando), Has Never Drank Coffee Ever, Not Once, In His Life, KIRSTEN KUPPENBENDER Past Russian Roulette Runner-up, Finalist in Portland’s Funniest Person Competition, Founder of Lez Stand Up, Extreme Jigsaw Puzzler, with first-timers NATHALIE WEINSTEIN Co-Owner PDX Pipeline, Award-Winning Journalist, Professional Cat Lady, Wanna-Be Chopped Champion, Will Watch/Read Anything Horror-related, Hates Oranges, BROOKS Civil Servant, Recovering Journalist, Founding Member of Feminist Comedy Collective That’s What She Said, Community Members Tried to Ban Her Bat Mitzvah Speech, and ALINA ALIYAR Proud Parent, Chocolatier, Executive Producer of 7 Deadly Sins Show, Public Ugly Crier Hosted by…