LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

An Evening with Dan Rather

Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall 1037 SW Broadway, Portland, OR, United States

At a moment of crisis over our national identity, venerated journalist Dan Rather has emerged as a voice of reason and integrity, reflecting on—and speaking passionately about—what it means to be an American. Drawn from his collection of original essays, What Unites Us: Reflections on Patriotism, he speaks with hope and conviction about the principles upon which the United States was founded. Rather examines the freedoms that define us, from the vote to the press; the values that have transformed us, from empathy to inclusion to service; the institutions that sustain us, such as public education; and the traits that helped form our young country, such as the audacity to take on daunting challenges in science and medicine. As a living witness to historical change…

$45 – $65