LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Africa to America: Adjusting to a New Life

Multnomah County Library - Capitol Hill Meeting Room 10723 SW Capitol Highway, Portland, OR, United States

New Americans from the African Diaspora discuss what it means to be a Black immigrant, and to navigate questions of identity, race and belonging. Join us for Everybody Reads, Multnomah County Library’s annual community reading project.


Rebecca Robinson and Stephen E. Strom present Voices from Bears Ears

Annie Bloom's Books 7834 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, OR, United States

Annie Bloom's welcomes writer Rebecca Robinson and photographer Stephen E. Strom to present their book, Voices from Bears Ears: Seeking Common Ground on Sacred Land. In late 2016, President Barack Obama designated 1.35 million acres of public lands in southeastern Utah as Bears Ears National Monument. On December 4, 2017, President Donald Trump shrank the monument by 85 percent. A land rich in human history and unsurpassed in natural beauty, Bears Ears is at the heart of a national debate over the future of public lands. Through the stories of twenty individuals, and informed by interviews with more than seventy people, Voices from Bears Ears captures the passions of those who fought to protect Bears Ears and those who opposed the monument as a federal…


Africa to America: Adjusting to a New Life

Multnomah County Library - Midland Meeting Room - Large 805 SE 122nd Avenue, Portland, OR, United States

New Americans from the African Diaspora discuss what it means to be a Black immigrant, and to navigate questions of identity, race and belonging. Join us for Everybody Reads, Multnomah County Library’s annual community reading project.


Naked – Nastashia Minto

Another Read Through 3932 N Mississippi Ave, Portland, OR, United States

In this poetic memoir, Nastashia Minto strips herself of who she used to be and gives readers permission to see her naked. Exploring topics of family, faith, race, sexuality, abuse, love, and identity, Minto’s words dig up rootbound emotions in need of better soil. This collection welcomes difficult conversations and allows space for unboxing uncertainties. By making herself transparent on the page, Minto inspires readers to become naked too. Nastashia Minto is an African American woman who was born in South Georgia and raised there by her grandparents. She grew up in poverty and around drugs, alcohol, and family violence. Her life experiences led her to obtain an associate’s degree in occupational therapy and a bachelor’s degree in psychology. She has been writing since she…


DWP 2019: Tender Table: Stories about food, family, identity

The Eleanor 1605 NW Everett St, Portland, OR, United States

Tender Table is a storytelling platform for women, trans men and nonbinary folks who are black, indigenous, or people of color. Tender Table seeks out narratives about our sweet, savory, sour, and bitter relationships to food and its connections to identity, memory, and community. Local Chefs Kusuma Rao of Ruchikala, Arlyn Frank of Platano Rising, and Dashia Fontleroy of Blackstreet Bakery will be sharing stories and food with us for this special edition of Tender Table curated for Design Week. **All ticket sales will go directly towards paying presenters** Through food, we connect with our culture, and at times it is through food that we share our culture with others. At Tender Table, all are welcome — expect to be immersed in stories, and sample…


Longreads Club: I’m Writing You From Tehran

Rose City Book Pub 1329 NE Fremont, Portland, OR, United States

A French-Iranian journalist writes a letter to her grandfather about the ten years she spent in Iran, trying to make sense of her identity and a country living very different public and private lives. READ THE ARTICLE: Join the Longreads Club where we discuss a long-form article focused on global topics. No membership or registration required. Just read the article, show up, and join the discussion!


Avan Jogia

Powell's Books at Cedar Hills Crossing 3415 SW Cedar Hills Blvd, Beaverton, OR, United States

From actor Avan Jogia comes a raw and moving collection of poetry, stories, and art about living as a mixed-race person in a world increasingly fixated on racial identity. In Mixed Feelings (Andrews McMeel), Jogia explores his complicated emotions around race, identity, religion, and family through poetry and imagery. Drawing on his own life story as well as interviews he's conducted with friends and strangers, Mixed Feelings serves as a dialogue-starter for difficult topics that now, more than ever, need to be discussed.


Queer Writing w Wayne Gregory

Attic Institute 4232 SE Hawthorne, Portland, OR, United States

How does being queer shape the stories we write and the way we write them? Does character, plot, or theme make a narrative queer or is it something in the way a queer writer sees the world that colors a narrative? This class will invite writers to explore and express their identity and how it informs what they write and the way they write it.  Whether you are writing fiction or non-fiction, or just writing for yourself this class will help you make connections between who you are becoming and what you are imagining through your writing. Writers with little or a lot of experience are welcome to this workshop-style class. Bring something you’re already working on or start from scratch, but either way our…

$210 – $237