LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Alibi Tiki Lounge AWP Wrap-Up & Close Out Party

Alibi Tiki Lounge 4024 N Interstate Ave, Portland, OR, United States

Featuring: Richard Chiem, Julia Dixon Evans, Ryan Bradford, Adrian Van Young, and Carlos Jose Perez Samano, and more! Karaoke to follow.


Phantom Drift Literary Reading

Look Long Brewing Company 6550 N Interstate Ave, Portland, OR, United States

Phantom Drift is a non-profit journal dedicated to publishing fabulist writers and artists by producing a perfect-bound print edition and paying contributors for their work. Come hear some fantastical poetry and excerpts from these surreal and unusual pieces by local writers. The lineup so far includes Phantom Drift Editor Matt Schumaker, Brittany Corrigan, Donna Prinzmetal, John Morrison, Armin Tolentino, Pattie Palmer-Baker, and Devon Balwit.


Shapeshifters: A Cloud Watching Workshop

Carnation Contemporary 8371 N Interstate Ave, Portland, OR, United States

Both a space for day dreams and data storage, clouds have always captured the human imagination. Join artist Hannah Newman and Carnation Contemporary at Kenton Park for a relaxing afternoon of cloud watching, as we observe the constantly shifting shape of the clouds above and around us. Listen to an audio tour of the waves of data in the sky, draw a sketch of the clouds, or simply lay on a blanket and let the clouds pass by! Dogs, children, and families welcome! Blankets for lounging provided. RSVP @ > 30 person limit > Cost: FREE > Jun 08, 11:00 – 1:00 PM > Carnation Contemporary, 8371 N Interstate Ave #3, Portland, OR 97217, USA


Writing the Script: An Exphrastic Writing Workshop

Carnation Contemporary 8371 N Interstate Ave, Portland, OR, United States

How do we engage with visual art? Is there a way of fostering dialogue between the viewer and the art work? Can we create a script for deepening our experience of aesthetic appreciation, and as artists & writers can we use this as an opportunity to deepen our own creative practices? Join artist Katherine Spinella and poet Hajara Quinn to talk about creative practice, respond to ekphrastic prompts in conversation with the exhibition, and create your own script— an Ekphrastic Questionnaire of your own that you can take with you. The workshop will include a brief screen printing demo led by Katherine Spinella. RSVP @ > 20 person limit > Cost: FREE > Jun 15, 11:00 – 1:00 PM > Carnation Contemporary, 8371 N…
