LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Ulysses Support Group (Book Club)

T.C. O'Leary's 2926 NE Alberta St, Portland, OR, United States

Everyone welcome! ⁣😊 ⁣ The next cycle of the Ulysses Support Group will begin on Monday, July 15th from 6-8pm. ⁣ ⁣ This relaxed group of readers will meet weekly in the snug with the goal of finishing the novel by next Bloomsday (June 16, 2020). ⁣ ⁣ No need to be experienced in reading Joyce, but please bring your own copy of the book (any edition is fine). 📖


Delve Readers Seminar Online: Ritual, Redemption, and Epiphany

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

This Delve will take place online via Zoom. Participants will receive information about how to connect with Zoom online. This Delve Seminar explores the common human experiences of redemption and epiphany and the role that ritual can play in ushering in such profound moments. Through our texts, we’ll examine how ritual can be used to protect societal structures as well as shift culture, how the tension between what has been and what might be leads to necessary conflict within the self, and how the power of acute experience ushers in clarity and the capacity for change. We will read two novellas, The Dead by James Joyce and Babette’s Feast by Isak Dineson (Karen Blixen), and a selection of short stories and poems by Alice Walker,…


Works on Paper: Neal Kosaly-Meyer performs Finnegans Wake

Passages Bookshop 1801 NW Upshur, Suite 660, Portland, OR, United States

Works on Paper: Experiments in Language and Sound presents Neal Kosaly-Meyer A Finnegans Wake Project Saturday, March 11 5:30 pm: Doors open 6:00 pm: Lecture and discussion, followed by a short break 7:30 pm: Performance (2.5 hours without a break) $10-20 suggested donation; no one turned away Passages Bookshop 1801 NW Upshur, Suite 660 503-388-7665 ========================== A Finnegans Wake Project, now in its eleventh year, is Neal Kosaly-Meyer’s effort to learn and perform, from memory, and with acute attention to musical detail, each of the seventeen episodes of James Joyce's final novel Finnegans Wake. At Passages Bookshop, Kosaly-Meyer will present Part II, Chapter 1 (the ninth chapter), in its entirety, preceded by a short introductory lecture and a moderated discussion. ========================== Neal Kosaly-Meyer is a…
