Mass Atrocities: Could it happen in the US?
Online N/A, Portland, OR, United StatesPlease join us in welcoming Dr. James Waller to Portland via Zoom, where he will be presenting his world recognized research on Atrocity Prevention, and will be sharing findings from his recent report on risks in the United States, published through the Stanley Center for Peace and Security. Through his work with the Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass atrocities, Dr. Waller has identified categories of risk that have particular significance in our current social and political landscape. Mike Brand and Jessica Murrey will respond to Dr. Waller’s presentation, engaging questions and conversation from their unique perspectives in atrocity prevention, policy making, and peacebuilding. This event is co-sponsored by OJMCHE, Never Again Coalition, PSU’s Holocaust and Genocide Studies Project, WorldOregon, The Immigrant…