LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Sample Me – PEN America at Lit Crawl Portland

Aesop West End 1300 W Burnside St, Portland, OR, United States

When entering a drug store’s beauty aisle, you’re confronted with skincare labels and color palettes that don’t blend into reality: dry, oily, combination; apricot, chestnut, espresso, and more. Join PEN America for Lit Crawl Portland: Phase 1 at Aesop West End with “Sample Me,” a reading on the worst thing writers have ever done to or put on their skin. Featuring Brandon Jordan Brown, Janet W. Hardy, Julayne Elle Lee, and Juan Carlos Reyes. “When the shriveled skin of the ordinary is stuffed out with meaning, it satisfies the senses amazingly.” – Virginia Woolf


Submission: BIPOC Edition

Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon - APANO 8188 SE Division Street, Portland, OR, United States

Thanks to a generous grant by Regional Arts & Culture Council, Submission Reading Series is able to present "Submission: BIPOC Edition." This reading features our two guest editors of color, Janice Lee (fiction) and Skyler Reed (poetry), as well as the winners of our BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color-only) open reading period, Juan Reyes (fiction) and Zaji Cox (poetry). This reading is free and open to the public. Light snacks and bubbly water will be served. Doors - 5:00pm Reading - 5:30pm sharp Chat - 7ish-8pm _ _ _ Zaji Cox has been creating stories since she started reading at age three, discovering her passion for writing when she wrote her first short story at nine years old. She began seriously considering it…
