LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Ooligan Press Presents: The Gifts We Keep Launch Party!

Rogue Ales & Spirits - Rogue Hall 1717 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR, United States

Join us at Rogue Hall to celebrate the launch of The Gifts We Keep by Katie Grindeland! Enjoy snacks and appetizers, excellent local beers on tap, participate in fun activities including free tarot readings, and enter for the chance to win raffle prizes! Katie Grindeland will be reading from her debut novel, The Gifts We Keep. Don't miss your chance for early release copies available for purchase and signing! We're gonna have a blast! Can't wait to see you there!


Pageturners Author Visit: Katie Grindeland

Multnomah County Library - Capitol Hill Meeting Room 10723 SW Capitol Highway, Portland, OR, United States

Engage in stimulating conversation about books, exchange perspectives about characters and plot, and get to know your neighbors. Meet the author! Read The Gifts We Keep by Katie Grindeland. Dangerous secrets, past tragedies, and a violent obsession are forced to the surface when Emerson and her estranged family agree to care for 10-year-old Addie. If these five can face their true selves, each other and their past, they just might find a way forward to a life filled with love and happiness. Pageturners is sponsored by Friends of the Library.


Pageturners Author Visit: Katie Grindeland

Multnomah County Library - St. Johns Library 7510 N Charleston Avenue Portland, OR 97203, Portland, OR, United States

Engage in stimulating conversation about books, exchange perspectives about characters and plot, and get to know your neighbors. Meet the author! Read The Gifts We Keep by Katie Grindeland. Dangerous secrets, past tragedies, and a violent obsession are forced to the surface when Emerson and her estranged family agree to care for 10-year-old Addie. If these five can face their true selves, each other and their past, they just might find a way forward to a life filled with love and happiness. Pageturners is sponsored by Friends of the Library.


Lilla’s Winter Reading: Thirst

Leach Botanical Garden 6704 SE 122nd Ave, Portland, OR, United States

Lilla presents our Winter reading in the Fireplace Room of the Manor House at Leach Botanical Garden. The evening’s theme: Thirst. Featuring Jason Arias, Liz Asch Greenhill, Chelsea Biondolillo, Katie Grindeland, Mary Rechner, Armin Tolentino, and John Sibley Williams. Doors open at 4 PM; readings begin at 4:15 $10 suggested donation at the door Proceeds benefit Leach Botanical Garden, a 501(c)3 nonprofit As always: Wine, snacks, gorgeous surroundings, literary community aplenty Follow Lilla on social media, including Facebook, for more info See you there!

Free – $10