LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Liminal Writing Online w/ Sonya Lea

OR, United States

Launches Sunday February 17 Online Four Weeks in Length Writing The Liminal Liminal means threshold, and liminal experiences are transitional, a suspension in identity, time, or community. We’ll write our way into dreams, ritual, wilderness, birth, death, visions, ghosts, tricksters, crossroads, revolutions, and all kinds of collapses of the status quo. You’ll come away with tools to help you work with your liminal experiences in writing. Week one: Definitions of thresholds, threshold/outlier experiences, and an observation of what is happening outside consensus reality. The liminal may be a way for us to hold and access another deeper reality that is often outside our view. We are not actually a fixed identity, a fixed narrative. What do you know of the liminal spaces of life? We’ll take a look at: Dreams, Ritual, Lifedeath Liminality (Birth/Death), Ancestral Connections The…


Liminal Writing Online w/ Sonya Lea

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Launches Saturday April 4th Online Four Weeks in Length ***In light of the current coronavirus crisis, Sonya has re-recorded audio elements of this workshop to specifically address the liminal space we are all living in right now. In addition, a limited number of sliding scale enrollments are available. If you have been financially impacted by the current situation, please write to Daniel Elder at to inquire.*** Writing The Liminal Liminal means threshold, and liminal experiences are transitional, a suspension in identity, time, or community. We’ll write our way into dreams, ritual, wilderness, birth, death, visions, ghosts, tricksters, crossroads, revolutions, and all kinds of collapses of the status quo. You’ll come away with tools to help you work with your liminal experiences in writing. Week one: Definitions of thresholds, threshold/outlier experiences, and an…
