Puppy Love: An Interactive Comics Reading
Dorsa Brevia 625 NW Everett Street #103, Portland, OR, United StatesB.B. Andersson, Eileen Chavez, and Liz Yerby believe comics to be an intimate and tender medium. In Puppy Love: an interactive comics reading, they will present their works about naïveté, romance, and dogs with an emphasis on queer narratives. We invite you to come listen, help out with sound effects and dance moves, and participate in a small sing-along. B.B. Andersson:: instagram.com/blen_blandersson Eileen Chavez:: instagram.com/sloris227 liz yerby:: instagram.com/lizyerby Puppy Love will take place from 6:00pm-7:00pm on November 9th, at Dorsa Brevia, at NW 6th and Everett. This reading is part of Lit Crawl® Portland, 2018 find the full schedule here: https://litcrawlportland2018.sched.com/ Poster by Eileen Chavez!