LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Grand Slam Poetry (at AWP)

Cardinal Club 18 NE 28th Ave, Portland, OR, United States

Saturday of AWP at your favorite bar, and mine, the Cardinal Club, Ru (Nina) Puro, Rob Schlegel, Elizabeth Clark Wessel, and MC Hyland read from their latest work. Rob Schlegel's book is IN THE TREE WHERE THE DOUBLE SEX SLEEPS from University of Iowa Press. MC Hyland's book is THE END from Sidebrow. Elizabeth Clark Wessel founded and publishes ARGOS BOOKS, and Ru (Nina) Puro's ELEGY WITH PILOT LIGHT is an Argos chapbook. Her full-length collection is EACH TREE COULD HOLD A NOOSE OR A HOUSE.


MC Hyland & Chloë Bass

Mother Foucault's Bookshop 523 SE Morrison St, Portland, OR, United States

This Saturday, January 11, poet and book artist MC Hyland will be in Portland and reading from her latest collection, THE END (Sidebrow 2019). She’ll be joined by New York artist and public practitioner Chloë Bass. MC Hyland is a poet, publisher, scholar, teacher, and public artist. Her poems have been published in journals in the US, UK, and Australia, and she is the author of two full-length books of poetry—THE END (Sidebrow, 2019) and NEVERAGAINLAND (Lowbrow/ H_NGM_N)—and a dozen poetry chapbooks and artist books. From 2009-2012, she ran the Pocket Lab Reading Series in Minneapolis with Jeff Peterson, and she now occasionally curates poetry readings in New York City with various friends. The founding editor of DoubleCross Press, she has worked at Minnesota Center…
