LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Visiting author Calvin Gimpelevich and More

Another Read Through 3932 N Mississippi Ave, Portland, OR, United States

Calvin Gimpelevich is touring the West Coast in support of his debut collection, INVASIONS! Join us in the loft for an evening of excellent trans literature as he’s inviting others to read as well. Of Invasions, Michelle Tea says: “Invasions blew my mind. Flipping between speculative worlds deeply rooted in realness and emotion and more familiar landscapes that tip on the edges of personal apocalypses, Gimpelevich’s writing is strong and sure, taking us places we really haven’t been. I’m hooked.” Featuring Misha Moon, Geeta Lewis, and possibly more TBA!


Patio Reading: Jessica Wadleigh

Rose City Book Pub 1329 NE Fremont, Portland, OR, United States

A reading and zine launch celebrating Alone (With You), a zine by Jessica Wadleigh. With performances by Sylvia Rodemeyer, Alissa Hattman, Alayna Becker, and Misha Moon. Friends, please save the date! My zine launch/birthday party is going to be on Saturday, August 27 from 6PM - 8PM on the back patio at the Rose City Book Pub, and you’re invited! @not_plath @poemsbymisha @dudelookslikealayna_ @alissahattman will be joining us for the evening to share their wonderful words as we welcome Alone (With You) into the world. I hope you can join us! Doors at 6 PM, reading starting promptly at 6:30. I am so grateful to be back at the @rose_city_book_pub for an in-person event - very excited to share space with all of you again.…
