LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Submission Deadline: Potlatch Fund

The Internet 001 SE Cyberspace Lane, Portland, OR, United States

Grant funding opportunity of up to $10,000 for work that “strengthen Native art forms, practices, and knowledge that develop a stronger sense of identity and livability of the community. Projects or practices should utilize the cultural richness within a community. This grant supports artists and arts organizations in the pursuit of building, enhancing, or expanding their artistic practice and/or community.” See the website for additional details and qualifying requirements.  


SHIFT – Transformative Change and Indigenous Arts Webinar

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

This webinar will provide an overview and information on how to apply to Native Arts and Cultures Foundation's new program, SHIFT - Transformative Change and Indigenous Arts. The foundation is accepting Letters of Interest until March 16, 2021 at 5:00pm Pacific Time. The SHIFT – Transformative Change and Indigenous Arts program supports artist and community-driven projects responding to social, environmental or economic justice issues through a Native lens. The program focuses on efforts that are built upon community cultural assets, resilience and strengths and draw increased attention to Native communities, perspectives and challenges, shifting a national narrative of invisibility, misunderstanding and misappropriation. SHIFT provides invaluable resources for project development, production and presentation for the artists and their collaborators. For more information, please visit:


LIFT – Early Career Support for Native Artists Webinar

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

This webinar will provide an overview and information on how to apply to Native Arts and Cultures Foundation's new program, LIFT – Early Career Support for Native Artists. The foundation is accepting applications until March 16, 2021 at 5:00pm Pacific Time. LIFT – Early Career Support for Native Artists program will provide invaluable support to early career Native artists with one-year awards to develop and realize new projects. Support for burgeoning artists is critical in developing fresh voices and envisioning the future of our respective Native practices. LIFT encourages artists to uplift communities, advance positive social change, point courageously toward environmental sustainability, and foster communal meaning making. For more information, please visit:


Submission Deadline: SHIFT – Transformative Change and Indigenous Arts

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

The only way to get change is not through the courts or—heaven forbid—the politicians, but through a change of human consciousness and through a change of heart. Only through the arts can we really reach each other. ― Leslie Marmon Silko (Laguna Pueblo) EMPOWERMENT, ACTION, LIBERATION The SHIFT – Transformative Change and Indigenous Arts program supports artist and community-driven projects responding to social, environmental or economic justice issues through a Native lens. The program focuses on efforts that are built upon community cultural assets, resilience and strengths and draw increased attention to Native communities, perspectives and challenges, shifting a national narrative of invisibility, misunderstanding and misappropriation. SHIFT provides invaluable resources for project development, production and presentation for the artists and their collaborators. Resistance is its own…


Submission Deadline: LIFT – Early Career Support for Native Artists

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

We are what we imagine. Our very existence consists in our imagination of ourselves. Our best destiny is to imagine, at least, completely, who and what and that we are. —N. Scott Momaday (Kiowa) NURTURE, ELEVATE, UNFOLD LIFT – Early Career Support for Native Artists program will provide invaluable support to early career Native artists with one-year awards to develop and realize new projects. Support for burgeoning artists is critical in developing fresh voices and envisioning the future of our respective Native practices. LIFT encourages artists to uplift communities, advance positive social change, point courageously toward environmental sustainability, and foster communal meaning making. Following extensive research and strategic planning, LIFT refocuses NACF’s programmatic efforts to expand the potential of emergent Native artists. LIFT consists of…


Consider This with David Treuer

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

On July 15, David Treuer, author of The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee, will join Oregon Humanities for a conversation on land, possession, and justice. The history of the Americas is inextricable from the theft of land from Native people. How should we, in the present, deal with this fact? The conversation will take place via Zoom and YouTube. Read more or RSVP now.
