LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Submission Deadline: smoke + mold Issue 2

The Internet 001 SE Cyberspace Lane, Portland, OR, United States

smoke + mold is an online journal of, broadly defined, nature focused prose by trans writers in reaction to ongoing crises of climate and culture. Work should be limited to 3000 words or less. Excerpts of longer work welcome, but should be able to stand on their own. Prose poems are welcome, but the journal really wants prose of fiction, nonfiction, and critical work. All writers receive $50 upon acceptance. See the website for greater detail of the kind of work their looking for. smoke + mold is also accepting issue proposals for 1-2 themed special issues revolving around a particular theme, issue, question, etc. to be selected, edited, and introduced by a guest editor. See the same link above for further info.


Kids’ Storytime With Alison Farrell

Powell's City of Books 1005 W Burnside Street, Portland, OR, United States

Today, author and illustrator Alison Farrell joins us to read from her new picture book, The Hike (Chronicle). With lyrical language that captures the majesty of the natural world, The Hike tells the victorious story of three girls' friendship – and their tribulations and triumphs in the great outdoors.


Fall 2020 online: Nature Writing Now

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

What does it mean to write about nature now? We are living at a time of great ecological peril and promise, when some thinkers are questioning whether “nature” still even exists. How to write about this complexity in authentic and evocative ways? How to convey both the beauty and the corruption of beauty? Together, we will consider some historical and contemporary nature writing. Noticing how the genre has changed over time will help us understand how our cultural conceptions of self and nature have both changed and remained the same. Contemporary nature writing often reflects complex social and political realities, while also reminding us of the abiding depth of feeling created by, for instance, placing one’s hand on a tree trunk and pausing to simply…


FALL Online: First Impressions: Chapter One (Nonfiction) w Whitney Otto

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

You know your story—whether a memoir, biography, essay collection, or nature writing—but how to begin? Where to begin? In this workshop, we will read, write and talk about beginnings. What engages the reader? What makes the reader turn the page, or feel the excitement you feel for your subject? What makes a non-fiction work feel as inventive as a novel? There are many ways to begin a non-fiction work: an anecdote, a statement, a line of dialog, a line of poetry. You will be asked to write short, first chapter pieces using something that you are currently working on, or maybe something new. This workshop could be the beginning of your beginning. Register for this workshop NOTE: To protect everyone during the COVID-19 pandemic, we're offering our…

$215 – $242

An Evening With Nature Writer Robert Michael Pyle and Actor David Cross

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Join us for a live event featuring local nature writer and butterfly expert Dr. Robert Michael Pyle in conversation with actor David Cross (Arrested Development, Mr. Show). The two will discuss their roles in the recent film, The Dark Divide, a fictionalized account of Pyle’s 1995 trek across the Gifford Pinchot Wilderness in search of new butterfly species, and a way through the grief after losing his wife. Pyle has written 22 books including Where Bigfoot Walks: Crossing the Dark Divide, upon which the film is based. This event is cosponsored by Orion Magazine, “America’s Best Environmental Magazine,” a quarterly, 100% ad-free publication, in print since 1982. Orion is a reader-supported nonprofit at the convergence of ecology, the arts, and social justice, and the magazine…


Nature Writing Now

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

What does it mean to write about nature now? We are living at a time of great ecological peril and promise, when some are questioning whether “nature” still even exists. How to write about this complexity in authentic and evocative ways? How to convey both the beauty and the corruption of beauty? Together, we will consider a wide sampling of historical and contemporary nature writing. Noticing how the genre has changed over time will help us understand how our cultural conceptions of self and nature have both changed and remained the same. Contemporary nature writing often reflects complex social and political realities, while also reminding us of the abiding depth of feeling created by, for instance, placing one’s hand on a tree trunk and pausing…


Wild Love: An Introduction to Nature Writing

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

“I love you, love you, love you / sad as you are, O world.” — Adelia Prado This class will offer an introduction to nature writing that is celebratory, joyful, loving, even sexy. While there is much to lament or critique in our current ecological moment, there is also much to honor and embrace. When we fall in love with a place, we can be receptive to its vital complexity through that lens of love. You will receive weekly prompts, contemporary and historical readings, and the opportunity to share your own work in a supportive workshop environment. Class time will also offer guided writing exercises that will help you revel in summer’s bounty and wildness wherever you find it. Access Program We want our writing…
