LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Indies First/Small Business Saturday

Broadway Books 1714 NE Broadway, Portland, OR, United States

It's Indies First Day AND Small Business Saturday, and we are going to have so much fun!! We have more than a dozen local authors joining us. You'll be able to talk to them about their books and purchase signed or personalized books, as well as hear about what books they're particularly excited about giving and getting this holiday season. Here are some of the great authors who will be joining us on Saturday. It's possible more might pop in -- we are blessed with a richness of wonderful writing talent in our city. We appreciate them taking the time to hang out with us and with you! Stevan Allred (12 to 2): Author of the just-published novel The Alehouse at the End of the…


L. Kris Gowen, Lee Barkmann, Philip Kenney (Inkwater Press)

Another Read Through 3932 N Mississippi Ave, Portland, OR, United States

L. Kris Gowen has a prosperous career, a loving partner, a strong circle of friends … until tragedy strikes. She turns to karaoke: a source of joy. With a half-formed plan and a need to sing, she takes off on a 17,774-mile karaoke road trip through America. She reconnects with old friends, makes new ones—and heals. Each time Kris takes the microphone, she sheds a little more grief, stepping into a world where everyone is accepted simply for singing a song they love. In One Nation Under Song: My Karaoke Journey Through Grief, Joy, and America, readers gain an insider’s look at the unique culture of karaoke while riding and singing along with the author on her once-in-a-lifetime journey. In Digging Up New Business: The…


FALL Online: Writer’s Crucible Workshop w Philip Kenney

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

This class is designed for students who wish to deepen their understanding of the emotional and psychological restrictions that interfere with their work. These issues have taken on even greater significance during this time of social unrest and Pandemic anxiety. Many writers are feeling their creative initiative stymied by brain static and emotional overload. In this five-week class, we will use the text of The Writer’s Crucible as a starting point for an exploration of the emotional vulnerabilities we are familiar with and the challenges unique to the present day. Why the Crucible? Crucible is defined as: A situation of severe trial, or in which different elements interact, leading to the creation of something new. Writers know what it is to go through the crucible. It is trial…

$215 – $242