Lawrence Howard Armchair Adventurer: Shackleton’s Antarctic Nightmare
The Old Church Concert Hall 1422 SW 11th Ave, Portland, OR, United StatesLaunched in 2008, the Armchair Adventurer Series chronicles true, historical events with the energy and emotion of a personal narrative. From the deadly, frozen landscape of Antarctica to the merciless abyss of the sea, Armchair Adventurer journeys through the most heart-wrenching survival tales of all time. These are epic stories of great adventure, perseverance, and courage, created and told by Lawrence Howard. NOTE: This show only 15+ ok if accompanied by guardian. Listener Discretion Advised. The story that launched the Armchair Adventure Series, Shackleton’s Antarctic Nightmare returns! This year, we’re collaborating with Michael Hill of Wetdog Studios to create an immersive visual experience to compliment Lawrence Howard’s epic storytelling. And we’ll have a musical soundscape created on the cello by Laurent Nickel. Jazz during social…