LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Kelsey Street AWP Reading

Passages Bookshop 1801 NW Upshur, Suite 660, Portland, OR, United States

JOIN KELSEY STREET, CHAX, EOAGH, TINFISH, BLACK RADISH AND POG in Portland at Passages Books. Featured Kelsey Street readers are Ching-In Chen, Andrea Abi-Karam, Anna Morrison, Mg Roberts and Hazel White The full lineup for the reading is: 6:00–7:15 pm Charles Alexander, Robert Mittenthal, David Abel, Kit Robinson, Sarah Rosenthal, Trace Peterson, Max Wolf Valerio, Susan M. Schultz, Tim Dyke, Jordan Scott, Steven Salmoni, Ching-In Chen, Andrea Abi-Karam 7:45–9:00 pm Jules Boykoff, Kaia Sand, MG Roberts, Samuel Ace, James Maughn, Barbara Tomash, Jesse Nissim, Anastacia Renee, Jaimie Gusman, Monica Ortega Ortiz, Anna Morrison, Hazel White, Sarah Riggs


Correspondences: A Collaboration

Daedalus Books 2074 NW Flanders St, Portland, OR, United States

What corresponds? What doesn't, but should? What happens when correspondence turns to collaboration, and what’s bred from its absence? Come out to hear these writers respond to these questions through their collaborations and individual poems. Hosts: The Bay Area Correspondence School and Lone Glen About the Authors: Mary-Kim Arnold is the author of Litany for the Long Moment (Essay Press, 2018) and the chapbook Between Night & Night (Artifact Press, 2018). Her poetry collection, The Fish & The Dove is forthcoming (Noemi Press, 2020). She teaches in the Nonfiction Writing Program at Brown University. MK Chavez is the author of Mothermorphosis, and Dear Animal, (Nomadic Press.) Chavez was a recipient of a 2017 Pen Oakland Josephine Miles Award for poetry and in the same year,…


Six Poets Walk Into a Canvas…

Daedalus Books 2074 NW Flanders St, Portland, OR, United States

Poetry and visual art have been hanging out together forever. Where’s the spark in that relationship given today’s image-saturated world? F. Douglas Brown, Jericho Brown, Dana Teen Lomax, Sawako Nakayasu, Sarah Rosenthal, and Valerie Witte will read from work that offers a contemporary take on the ekphrastic tradition.
