LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Submission Deadline: Theatre 33: 2020 Summer Series, Play Scripts

The Internet 001 SE Cyberspace Lane, Portland, OR, United States

Theatre 33 is currently accepting submissions for their 2020 Summer Series. All submissions should be received before midnight December 28th, 2019. What is Theatre 33 looking for in a script? We are looking for Oregon and Pacific Northwest playwrights. Mission Statement: Theatre 333 is a non-profit theatre company in residence at Willamette University. We are dedicated to new play development and advancing Oregon and Pacific Northwest playwrights. We seek to integrate artistic practice and mentorship with academic inquiry; we hope that the relationship with Willamette University offers unique opportunities for students to gain experience, and for established artists to refine their craft. Theatre 33 takes its name in acknowledgement of Oregon becoming the 33rd state to join the union. Our vision is to build connection…


Spec Script: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Kelly's Olympian 426 Southwest Washington St, Portland, OR, United States

Spec Script is ringing in the New Year in Portland on Sunday January 12th for another episode of tv written by someone who has never watched the show! This episode is going to be massive because we are doing Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Our writer for the bloodsucking 90s hit is PDX theatre superstar and Spec Script fave Heidi Hunter! Reading Heidi's script is another cast of excellent bbs! We have: Caitlin Nolan Jeremiah Coughlan Jamie Carbone Kara Morehart and more! The main part of Spec Script will be a table read of the script, but if you’ve been to a Spec Script before you know there’s more! That’s right, we got the best damn preshow in all of comedy! For the Spec Script Primo…

Free – $5

Spec Script 3rd Anniversary: The Mandalorian

Kelly's Olympian 426 Southwest Washington St, Portland, OR, United States

Spec Script celebrates 3 years of podcasting/tv/comedy/wrestling glory on February 9th. To celebrate this monumental day we will read an episode of The Mandalorian, written by theatre phenom Anne Zander! Reading this time we have Sean Neligan Dan Heise Alexandra Jade Jaren George And more! And besides a wonderful script we will be having our massive wrestling extravaganza NUcleYEAR FallOUCH 3! Here Champion Shane Hosea and his army of minions will battle Cat Dad for the 3xPW Championship! There can be only one! This show has everything, so make your way to Kelly’s Olympian in Portland, Feb 9th, 7pm to celebrate 3 awesome years of our awesome show!


Spec Script: Boy Meets World

Kelly's Olympian 426 Southwest Washington St, Portland, OR, United States

Spec Script is back with an episode of Boy Meets World by Lee Cox, a phenomenal comic who has never seen the show! Reading the episode we have: Deira Bowie before she leaves for Australia! Tiffany McGuire Jake Simonds and more! Hosted by Shane Hosea, Lydia Manning, and Chris Khatami! Free, Sunday, Kelly’s Olympian, doors at 7!


PDX Playwrights: AN EVENING WITH OSCAR AND NOEL – by Thomas Mason and Craig Mason

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Two theater icons meet in the afterlife. Oscar Wilde and Noël Coward, one pilloried for being gay and the other the ultimate symbol of cool sophistication. Hear what they have to say on all manner of things, scandal, play writing, coming out. This one-act play is definitely not in hell, but maybe in heaven, maybe in purgatory. At 7 pm Pacific Time, please join us using this link: Meeting ID: 838 6073 0981 Passcode: 725789 One tap mobile +16699006833,,83860730981#,,,,*725789# US (San Jose) Dial by your location +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Find your local number: NOTE: When our readings are conducted as virtual sessions, readers usually have been pre-cast by the playwrights. Fellow writers, actors and listeners are warmly invited to participate…
