LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Reading: Shawn Aveningo Sanders: What She Was Wearing

Annie Bloom's Books 7834 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, OR, United States

Annie Bloom's welcomes Portland poet Shawn Aveningo Sanders to read from What She Was Wearing. How long can you keep a dark secret before you become completely unraveled? In What She Was Wearing, Sanders uses poetry, prose, and letters to tell her #MeToo story—one that has taken over 30 years to reveal. In this collection, Shawn shares her nightmare of being raped at a fraternity toga party, and examines the event from a variety of perspectives, including poems written from the viewpoint of her attackers; the toga she was wearing; homecoming years later; and even the moment she told her college-aged children. As Shawn’s story unfolds, the reader will come to understand how significant the aftermath of rape can be. For decades, she was "triggered"…


Book Launch—The Poeming Pigeon: Cosmos!

Ledding Library of Milwaukie 10660 SE 21st Avenue, Milwaukie, OR, United States

The Milwaukie Poetry Series and The Poetry Box present a reading to celebrate the launch of the 9th issue of The Poeming Pigeon: COSMOS. Featured Readers: Pattie Palmer-Baker • Trina Gaynon • Colette Tennant • Liz Nakazawa • Casey Bush • Dale Champlin • Melody Leming-Wilson • Douglas Spangle • Marilyn Johnston • Brittney Corrigan • Judith Arcana • Joann Renee Boswell • Brad G. Garber • Jessica Parker • Devon Balwit • Linda Ferguson • Delia Garigan • Rebecca Smolen • Doug Stone • Linda (LAW) Fraser • Deborah Bachels Schmidt • Shawn Aveningo Sanders About the Book: What’s out there in the great beyond? Could we survive on Mars? What is dark matter? Are wormholes the secret to time travel? Human curiosity is…


CANCELED – Maggie Chula and Shawn Aveningo Sanders

Broadway Books 1714 NE Broadway, Portland, OR, United States

We are pleased to host poets Margaret Chula and Shawn Aveningo Sanders at 7 pm on Wednesday, March 25th, to read from their most recent books, Shadow Man and What She Was Wearing, respectively. In Shadow Man, Chula brings her father out of the shadows where he had been since 1957, the day her mother packed their five children—all under the age of ten—into the car and drove away. Over the years, Chula comes to accept the differences between a mother who wants China cups and a father content with Budweiser. Writing about these awkward, often heartbreaking, interactions with her estranged father, she discovers that there’s more than one truth and that each of us must find our own. Chula lived in Japan for twelve…


The Poetry Box LIVE – A Zoom Poetry Reading Series

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

The Poetry Box LIVE - September Edition Time: Sep 12, 2020 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) The Poetry Box LIVE is a monthly Zoom poetry reading series on the 2nd Saturday of each month. Shawn Aveningo Sanders is the host/emcee with 3 Featured Poet/Authors each show. September Featured Poets: • Joanne Godley, author of PICKING SCABS FROM THE BODY HISTORY (Virginia) • Pamela Anderson-Bartholet, author of JUST THE GIRLS: A Kaleidoscope of Butterflies; A Drift of Honeybees (Ohio) • Marshall Witten, author of MY MIND'S EYE (Vermont) ------- ABOUT THE FEATURED POETS ---------- Joanne Godley, author of Picking Scabs from the Body History (The Poetry Box, 2020) is a practicing physician, poet and writer whose work is informed by social injustices. She is…


The Poetry Box LIVE — November Edition

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Nov 14, 2020 at 4pm (Pacific) / 7pm (Eastern) The Poetry Box LIVE is a monthly Zoom poetry reading series on the 2nd Saturday of each month. Shawn Aveningo Sanders is the host/emcee with 3 Featured Poet/Authors each show. November Featured Poets: • Doug Stone (Oregon), author of SITTING IN POWELL’S WATCHING BURNSIDE DISSOLVE IN RAIN • Tiel Aisha Ansari (Oregon), author of THE DAY OF MY FIRST DRIVING LESSON—1st Place Winner of The Poetry Box Chapbook Prize, 2020 • Rebecca Smolen (Oregon), author of EXCORIATION and WOMANHOOD & OTHER SCARS ------- ABOUT THE FEATURED POETS ---------- Doug Stone is a fourth generation Oregonian and lives with his wife amid hop yards and vineyards near the Willamette River in Benton County, Oregon. In past lives…


The Poetry Box LIVE – January Edition

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

The Poetry Box LIVE - January Edition Time: Jan 9, 2021 at 4pm (Pacific) / 7pm (Eastern) The Poetry Box LIVE is a monthly Zoom poetry reading series on the 2nd Saturday of each month hosted by Shawn Aveningo Sanders January Featured Poets: • Cathy Cain (Oregon), author of A SHAPE OF SKY and BEE DANCE • Marcia B. Loughran (New York), author of MY MOTHER NEVER DIED BEFORE—2nd Place Winner of The Poetry Box Chapbook Prize, 2020 • Pasquale Trozzolo (Kansas) author of BEFORE THE DISTANCE ------- ABOUT THE FEATURED POETS ---------- Poet and visual artist Cathy Cain is the author of Bee Dance (The Poetry Box, 2019) and Empty Space Places You (Finishing Line Press, 2018). Her honors include the Kay Snow Paulann…


The Poetry Box LIVE — April Edition

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

The Poetry Box LIVE – April Edition April 10, 2021@ 4:00 PM (Pacific) / 7:00 PM (Eastern) The Poetry Box LIVE is a monthly Zoom poetry reading series on the 2nd Saturday of each month and hosted by Shawn Aveningo Sanders. APRIL Featured Poets: • Penelope Scambly Schott (Oregon), author of SOPHIA AND MISTER WALTER WHITMAN • Sally Naylor (Florida), author of SYNAPSE FLIES INTO STARTLE • David Belmont (New York), author of WORLD GONE ZOOM ------- ABOUT THE FEATURED POETS ---------- Penelope Scambly Schott is a past recipient of the Oregon Book Award for Poetry and author of a novel and several books of poetry, including her 2018 prizewinning chapbook November Quilt and most recently On Dufur Hill about a small wheat-growing town in…


Ghost Town Poetry Open Mic on Zoom Featuring Shawn Aveningo-Sanders

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Ghost Town Poetry Open Mic Featuring Shawn Aveningo-Sanders Hosted by Christopher Luna and Morgan Paige 7 pm Thursday, June On Zoom $5 Suggested donation LGBTQ+ FRIENDLY, PRO-SCIENCE, ANTI-FASCIST, ALL AGES, AND UNCENSORED SINCE 2004 Please support Niche Wine Bar, whose owner, Leah Jackson, provided a home for the reading series from 2015-2020: Shawn Aveningo-Sanders grew up in Missouri and after a bit of globetrotting finally landed in Portland, Oregon. Her recent chapbook, What She Was Wearing, tells her #metoo story that took 30 years to reveal. Shawn’s work has appeared worldwide in over 150 literary journals and anthologies, including Calyx, Amsterdam Quarterly, American Journal of Poetry, Timberline Review and Poets Reading the News. She is a Pushcart nominee, Best of the Net nominee, and…

Free – $5

The Poetry Box LIVE f. Elizabeth McBride, Susan Coultrap-McQuin, Marcia B. Loughran

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

The Poetry Box LIVE – September Edition Time: Sept 11, 2021 at 4pm (Pacific) / 7pm (Eastern) The Poetry Box LIVE is a monthly Zoom poetry reading series on the 2nd Saturday of each month and hosted by Portland poet and publisher, Shawn Aveningo-Sanders. September Featured Poets: • Elizabeth S.E. McBride (Michigan) – author of MOST BEAUTIFUL • Susan Coultrap-McQuin (Minnesota) – author of WHAT WE BRING HOME • Marcia B. Loughran (New York) – author of SONGS FROM THE BACK-IN-THE-BACK --------- HOW TO ACCESS THE ZOOM READING --------- Join Zoom Meeting on Sept 11 No registration required, simply click on link about 5 minutes before the show: Meeting ID: 878 7436 8401 Passcode: 837970 ------- ABOUT THE FEATURED POETS ------------- Elizabeth S.E. McBride’s…


The Great Word Regatta with Shawn Aveningo-Sanders, Michael Schein, Annie Lighthart, and Matthew Brouwer

Rose City Book Pub 1329 NE Fremont, Portland, OR, United States

Come hear four festive writers bring life to hallowed Portland pub space through their wily and resplendent words. Opened by the briefest of open mics and followed by the pouring of libations. No cover, but please support your venue that so kindly hosts poets and other weirdos at no charge. Vaccination required. Michael Schein wrote Liquid Perishable Hazardous (2019) (poetry), John Surratt: The Lincoln Assassin Who Got Away (2015) (historical), The Killer Poet’s Guide to Immortality by AB Bard (2012) (hysterical), historical novels Bones Beneath Our Feet (2011); Just Deceits (2005). Schein edited Poets UNiTE! The LiTFUSE Anthology (2015). His poetry appears in many journals and has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize three times. Schein is the founder of LiTFUSE Poets’ Workshop (, & has taught at Port Townsend…
