LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Band of Submitting Writers & Artists

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Band of Submitting Writers & Artists with Katie Collins Guinn WHAT: A two week online creative lab on sending work to literary publications WHEN: Wednesdays, October 13th, & October 20th @4:30-6:30pm PT ACCESS: $100 :: Payment plans always available—contact Daniel at Where: The Corporeal Writing Zoom Room :: A Zoom link will be provided. SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarships are available please click here to apply. So, you’ve written something and/or created some visual art and want to get it out into the world of literary publications, now what? The process of sending out work can be overwhelming, whether you’re just beginning to think about it, or returning to the process, and doing it alone can seem even more daunting. Where do we begin? Who do we…


Submission Deadline: Portland Review

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Great news: there is still time to play Truth or Dare with us this fall! We want to see work that deals with truth – uncovering it, hiding it, coming to a personal truth, living your truth, or work that delivers us the truths you’ve discovered about life. We dare you to send us writing that pushes boundaries. Something that might be adventurous in form, content, subject, or execution. If you’re willing to take the plunge, we’re willing to come with. As with any game, we ask that you follow just a couple of rules. Poetry submissions must be limited to three poems, and fiction or creative nonfiction submissions must be under 5,000 words. The deadline to submit is Sunday, October 31st 2021 at 11:59pm PST.…


Submission Deadline: De-Canon + Fonograf Ed. Hybrid-Lit Anthology

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

De-Canon resumes its mission of “de-canonizing” by teaming up with Fonograf Editions to publish an anthology of hybrid-literary works by women and nonbinary BIPOC writers. This anthology will explore multimodal forms of writing that navigate the restless intersections of writing, visual art, and other media, and that innovate in their contemplations – and complications – of language and form. Submissions are open from October 1st to December 15, 2021. What is hybridity? What does it mean, and why does it matter now, to pay heed to hybrid modes of writing and art, to confluences of aesthetic mediums, to processes that make visible the seams and in-between spaces of the realms we ‘make’ in? How does the hybrid form potentially re-define “writing”? And, what fuels a…


Submission Deadline: Oregon Humanities: Spring 2022: “Care”

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

The theme for our Spring 2022 issue is “Care.” We want to hear stories about responsibility and custody, attention and affection, worry and grief. What do you care about, and why? Who do you care for, and who cares for you? Is caring a burden, a privilege, or something in between? Where do you see care, and where do you notice its absence? We’re looking for nonfiction articles and essays exploring what it means to provide care and to receive it, to care about and to be cared for. Tell us how care shows up in our communities and the systems of our society. Share a fresh perspective on health care or childcare or eldercare or tender loving care. Some topics we’re interested in include—but…


Submission Deadline: HOCUS Tarot Prompt Submissions

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

If you've been following our social media @hocusreadings during November, you know that we've drawn a different Tarot card every morning and created a writing prompt based on that card. During the month of December, you're invited to REVISE the pieces you've written using these prompts and submit your favorite three to us for possible inclusion in a saddle-stitched volume we're thinking of as a high-class zine. If you haven't been following along, you still have time! Submissions aren't due until December 31st. Go to and click on "Submissions Open!"


Submissions Open!

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

neverland (ne-vər-land): 1.) an unreal, imaginary, or ideal state, condition, place 2.) any remote, isolated, barren, or sparsely settled region Send us your stories and poems of pipe dreams, utopias, and Shangri-Las! HOCUS accepts prose, poetry, and creative nonfiction of up to 2,000 words. We welcome literary fiction and poetry submissions from everyone regardless of race, class, gender, sexuality, geography, religious or cultural background. Our programming is in English. We especially invite Black, Indigenous, and other people of color to take part. We recognize all genders. The reading will be on Friday, March 11th from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. at the Rose City Book Pub in NE Portland. Please be aware that the Book Pub is currently requiring proof of vaccination. We are keeping in…


Buckman Journal Poetry Prize

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

The award-winning Buckman Journal is pleased to open submissions for the Buckman Journal Poetry Award, February 14 - 27, 2022. One poet will receive $300.00, and their work featured in Buckman Journal. The prize is open to Oregon and SW Washington residents only. There is no entry fee. Please send no more than five pages of unpublished poems. Simultaneous submissions are fine if noted in the cover letter. All styles are welcome, however Buckmxn favors the brave. Poets who use a word in an unexpected manner, lyrical without heavy handed and multiple adjectives, employ a joy working the sound and rhythm of words, strike Buckmxn most. Buckmxn also notes that there a lot of poems written solidly, squarely in the 1st person. Consider this if…


HOCUS: Submissions Open!

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

neverland (ne-vər-land): 1.) an unreal, imaginary, or ideal state, condition, place 2.) any remote, isolated, barren, or sparsely settled region Send us your stories and poems of pipe dreams, utopias, and Shangri-Las! HOCUS accepts prose, poetry, and creative nonfiction of up to 2,000 words. We welcome literary fiction and poetry submissions from everyone regardless of race, class, gender, sexuality, geography, religious or cultural background. Our programming is in English. We especially invite Black, Indigenous, and other people of color to take part. We recognize all genders. The reading will be on Friday, March 11th from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. at the Rose City Book Pub in NE Portland. Please be aware that the Book Pub is currently requiring proof of vaccination. We are keeping in…


How to Pitch Electric Lit: Updated with Our New Editors!

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

FEATURING: Denne Michele Norris Michelle Chikaonda Sponsored by GrubStreet's Muse & the Marketplace conference Writing an essay, opinion piece, or feature doesn’t start with the first sentence. You have talent and a compelling idea, but how can you get an editor to pay attention? A pitch is the writer’s chance to package their work so that it catches an editor’s eye. In this conversation, Denne Michele Norris, Electric Literature's editor-in-chief, and Michelle Chikaonda, contributing editor, will answer some key questions so you can take your idea from successful pitch to published piece. We’ll discuss things like what makes a good pitch, common mistakes and misconceptions, and why Electric Lit even asks for pitches in the first place. This event is an update to our previous…


Submission Roulette III

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

FEATURING: Halimah Marcus Alyssa Songsiridej Sponsored by GrubStreet's Muse & the Marketplace conference Tired of opaque form rejections that offer zero insights into why your submission “wasn’t a fit” or “doesn’t meet our publication’s needs”? Then join Submission Roulette III for, finally, some candid answers. Recommended Reading editors Halimah Marcus and Alyssa Songsiridej will review your anonymously submitted first pages, reading them for the first time live on screen, and share their immediate reactions as they go. What leads an editor to pass after just a few paragraphs, and what entices them to keep reading? And, since the chat has been so lively during past roulettes, we’ve added a fun new twist: we’ll all drink (or hydrate with a non-alcoholic beverage) every time we spot…
