LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Open Mic Poetry Reading on Zoom

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Since April is National Poetry Month, the theme of the open mic is poetry and it's importance. This year is the 25th annual National Poetry Month celebration by the Academy of American Poets. Anyone who would like to participate in this Open Mic is welcome. Email Tom Hogan at (link sends e-mail) to register. You will receive a zoom link prior to the event. Plan to read 1 or 2 poems depending on the number of participants and length of the poems. If time permits additional poems will be allowed.


Open Mic and Poetry Reading on Zoom

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Open Mic and Poetry Reading a virtual event on Zoom. Co-sponsored by the Milwaukie Poetry Series and St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church. Featured Readers are the Pendleton Poetry group. The Open Mic will follow their reading. Email Tom Hogan at (link sends e-mail) to register. You will receive a zoom link prior to the event. Plan to read 1 or 2 poems depending on the number of participants and length of the poems. If time permits additional poems will be allowed. The event will be recorded and available for viewing on demand on the Ledding Library YouTube Channel (link is external) after the event.


The Milwaukie Poetry Series: Emmett Wheatfall Poetry Reading

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Emmett Wheatfall's poetry reading will be livestreamed on July 14, 2021 on the Ledding Library YouTube Channel. (link is external) Emmett Wheatfall is a published poet, playwright and recording artist. He has 2 books of poetry published by Fernwood Press, an imprint of Barclay Press. They are As Clean As A Bone (2018) and Our Scarlet Blue Wounds (2019). His newest work With Extreme Prejudice is scheduled for publishing late summer 2021. Lyrically, Emmett has released one non-music poetry CD and four lyrical poetry CDs. Emmett is known nationally and internationally for his poetry having received wonderful reviews. For more biographical information visit (link is external). A flier of the 14th season readings is available here  (link is external)or at the Ledding Library. Thank you to all the volunteers who make this reading possible. For information or questions about…


Open Mic and Poetry Reading on Zoom

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Open Mic and Poetry Reading a virtual event on Zoom. Co-sponsored by the Milwaukie Poetry Series and St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church. Our Featured Readers for July are the St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church community. The Open Mic will follow their reading. Email Tom Hogan at (link sends e-mail) to register. You will receive a zoom link prior to the event. Plan to read 1 or 2 poems depending on the number of participants and length of the poems. If time permits additional poems will be allowed. The event will be recorded and available for viewing on demand on the Ledding Library YouTube Channel (link is external) after the event.


Poetry Reading and Open Mic on Zoom

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Open Mic and Poetry Reading event on Zoom. Co-sponsored by the Milwaukie Poetry Series and St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church. Featured Readers are the Ashland Poets Group: Steve Dieffenbacher, Amy Miller, Patty Wixon, and Vince Wixon. They will be reading from their own work or their favorite poets for about 45 minutes. The Open Mic will follow their reading. Email Tom Hogan at (link sends e-mail) to register. You will receive a zoom link prior to the event. Plan to read 1 or 2 poems depending on the number of participants and length of the poems. If time permits additional poems will be allowed. The event will be recorded and available for viewing on demand on the Ledding Library YouTube Channel (link is external) after the event. Room Location: Zoom Video Conference
