LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Hope is the Howl with Lidia Yuknavitch and Pam Houston

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

WHAT: A three-hour online webgasm. WITH: Pam Houston and Lidia Yuknavitch WHEN: Sunday, January 17th, 2021 from 1PM to 4PM PST WHERE: ZOOM! (But of course.) Meeting ID will be provided ahead of time. HOW MUCH: $150. Payment plans are always available, contact Daniel Elder at SCHOLARSHIPS: Click here to apply. In this duet collaborative Pam Houston and Lidia Yuknavitch will open up the space of the howl, in our throats and bodies, speaking to our rage and sorrow and fear so that we might bring a reinvented kind of hope to the page differently than we ever have before. Living on the brink globally has brought us to the cusp of new possibilities: how do we go about living our lives differently? how…


Cusp :: The Vibrant Space Between Fiction and Nonfiction :: A Webgasm

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

WHAT: A three-hour online webgasm with Lidia Yuknavitch and at least one magical guest. (With a 15-minute intermission.) WHEN: Sunday, October 17th, 1PM-4PM Pacific (4PM-7PM Eastern) WHERE: ZOOM. Meeting ID will be provided ahead of time. (Interested in this event but unable to join it live? All registered attendees will receive a link to a recording of it that will be viewable for one week afterwards.) HOW MUCH: $150. Payment plans are available, contact Daniel Elder at SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarships are always available. Click here to apply. Does your writing live in the fluid flux between fiction, nonfiction and poetics? Is your fiction informed, deformed, and reformed through nonfiction? Is your nonfiction inhabited by poetics, images, rhythm, sound? What is the relationship between forms when…


Memory and Memoir :: How to tease out the story from the chaos of your mind :: A Webgasm

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

WHAT: A three-hour online webgasm with Lidia Yuknavitch and at least one magical guest. (With a 15-minute intermission.) WHEN: Sunday, November 7th, 1PM-4PM Pacific (4PM-7PM Eastern) WHERE: ZOOM. Meeting ID will be provided ahead of time. (Interested in this event but unable to join it live? All registered attendees will receive a link to a recording of it that will be viewable for one week afterwards.) HOW MUCH: $150. Payment plans are available, contact Daniel Elder at SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarships are always available. Click here to apply. Memory is a mess--a chaotic whirl of synaptic connections and disconnections, biochemical zaps, emotional torque. How do you wrestle all that down to a story on the page? What lives in your memory that is useful for writing…


The Finish Line :: how to finish your book and move toward the world :: A Webgasm

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

WHAT: A three-hour online webgasm with Lidia Yuknavitch and at least one magical guest. (With a 15-minute intermission.) WHEN: Sunday, December 5th, 1PM-4PM Pacific (4PM-7PM Eastern) WHERE: ZOOM. Meeting ID will be provided ahead of time. (Interested in this event but unable to join it live? All registered attendees will receive a link to a recording of it that will be viewable for one week afterwards.) HOW MUCH: $150. Payment plans are available, contact Daniel Elder at SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarships are always available. Click here to apply. Well let's face it. Trying to finish a book-length work is kind of a clusterfuck. If this sounds like you, join Lidia for a webgasm focused on strategies for finishing your book, including shaping the whole, amplifying the…
