LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

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Summer 2020 Online: Science, Magic, and the Mundane: Speculative Worlds and How to Write Them

Online N/A, Portland

When we think of speculative words, such as those found in science fiction, high fantasy, and urban fantasy, we often wonder how the author managed to come up with fantastical ideas that are both believable and logical. We often don’t stop to think about how much of the scientific in our world could easily be considered magical, or how our mundane life could also be seen as extraordinary. It’s easy enough to say that our technology would be fantastical to someone from a hundred years ago, but what separates the current mundane from the current fantastical in our writing? In this class we will first examine modern technology, current trends, the natural world, and popular beliefs, and convert them to a magical viewpoint. Participants will…
