LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Delve Readers Seminar Online: The Ethics of Ambiguity and The Metamorphosis

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

In her book The Ethics of Ambiguity, the philosopher Simone de Beauvoir asks us to consider what it means to exercise individual freedom and to live in community with others. Where does our individual freedom begin and end? Simone de Beauvoir claims that our personal freedom can be manifest only when we “will others free.” How do we create a life where we protect our individual freedom and work toward the freedom of our neighbor? Can both forms of freedom truly exist? de Beauvoir wrote The Ethics of Ambiguity in 1947, and she questions and seeks to define personal ethics and freedom in the wake of Nazi atrocities and totalitarianism. We will read The Ethics of Ambiguity in its entirety. At first glance, Franz Kafka…


Summer 2020 Online: Science, Magic, and the Mundane: Speculative Worlds and How to Write Them

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

When we think of speculative words, such as those found in science fiction, high fantasy, and urban fantasy, we often wonder how the author managed to come up with fantastical ideas that are both believable and logical. We often don’t stop to think about how much of the scientific in our world could easily be considered magical, or how our mundane life could also be seen as extraordinary. It’s easy enough to say that our technology would be fantastical to someone from a hundred years ago, but what separates the current mundane from the current fantastical in our writing? In this class we will first examine modern technology, current trends, the natural world, and popular beliefs, and convert them to a magical viewpoint. Participants will…


Summer 2020: Mastering Revision

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Revision is one of the most challenging parts of the writing process. How do we dig deeper and color in the edges to make our writing more evocative? How do we use the senses to make it come to life? What would happen if we approached the same material from a different point of view (third person as opposed to first-person say)? In this six-week class, we will take an editor’s perspective on polishing our work. The class will be structured as a mini-workshop and we will devote most of our time to peer reading and critique with an emphasis on elements of developmental editing as well as line editing. We will focus on refinement of style, structure, and content. Sentence-by-sentence, paragraph-by-paragraph, we will sharpen…


Virtual IPRC: Origami

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Come and fold with an IPRC member/volunteer & origami instructor/author, Yuki Martin on Zoom! You will need either origami paper*, or regular copy paper cut down to the dimensions of a square. Yuki will show you a few fun, summery models, including a rose and butterfly. All ages & skill levels are welcome. The materials needed would be a few sheets of standard size (6″x6″) origami paper* or copy paper cut into a square. You can cut copy paper into a square, using one of the methods explained in this link: RSVP here $5-15 suggested donation directly to facilitator; Venmo: @yukiorigami *Origami paper can be picked up at the IPRC. Coordinate with to pick origami paper up.

Free – $15

PNCA Low-Residency MFA Program Summer 2020 Residency Classes & Readings Open to the Public

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

As part of the Low-Residency MFA in Creative Writing program, PNCA offers talks, discussions, and readings by acclaimed writers and artists, July 24th to August 3rd. Everything is free and open to the public. All events this summer are hosted via Zoom. The passwords for all faculty classes are 515000. CLASSES Saturday, July 25 10am: Unsafe is Not a Feeling: How Writing Contends with the Illusion of Safety Sara Jaffe 2pm: Winter Poop, Spring Revivals, Summer Fires, and Fall Marigolds Alison C Rollins Sunday, July 26 10am: THE ART OF WEALTH (in life & in literature) Vi Khi Nao Monday, July 27 10am: Outsider Ecopoetics Tyrone Williams 11am: Feminism / Queer Theory Shawna Liption and Sloane McNulty Tuesday, July 28…


The Edge of Reason: poetic line w/ Brigid Yuknavitch

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

WHERE: Online, for six weeks (please note: there is no live/Zoom component to this class—poets will go at their own pace each week) LEADER: Brigid Yuknavitch COST: $350 SCHOLARSHIPS: Yes, scholarships are available. Please follow this link to apply. The Edge of Reason: poetic line The form of the poem organizes our sensory and felt experience as we read. It supports and disrupts what the language is saying. The line slows the sentence down. The line makes a dance inside the sentence. The line breaks open the sentence. The line registers what the sentence tried to contain. The line takes a walk as Paul Klee described it in painting. And because the line can make these many moves it lets us do more with words…


VIRTUAL Risograph Basics with Outlet!

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Welcome to our Risograph Basics course: a printing, collage, experimentation, and mark making extravaganza! Get to know Outlet and our RISO sisters (Barbara, Janet, Corita, and Tina) and learn the basics of this fun and unique print method with Kate Bingaman-Burt! IMPORTANT: Due to social distancing this class will be taught virtually via Zoom—more info on that below! About the Workshop: Want to learn what Risograph printing is? Want to meet others who do too? Join us to learn all about the basics of the Risograph in our two-color introduction workshop. The workshop will kick off with a Show & Tell of exactly what a Risograph can do with a printing demo, print and zine samples and a general exploration of how we can get the best results from this…

$15 – $100

Willamette Writers Online Conference

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Pitch agents. Sit down with producers. Sharpen your manuscript with industry pros. You can do all this from the comfort of your own home, July 30 – August 2, 2020! Featuring keynote speakers Cheryl Strayed, Pete Souza, Mitchell S. Jackson, Zoraida Córdova, Rosanne Parry, and more! With over 80 virtual workshops, as well as night events, critiques, and gatherings, you're sure to find your community, develop your craft, and expand your career this year. Whether you're a poet, a screenwriter, a novelist, or a techie, you'll find your home at our annual conference. What's that? You're a memoirist? You're going to love our classes on voice and style, taught by New York Times Bestselling Authors. Newbie? Great! Come learn with us! Published 80 books? We're…

$249 – $349

Delve Readers Seminar Online: Mario Vargas Llosa’s The Storyteller and Death in the Andes

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

“Opam-pogyakyena shinoshinonkarintsi. Me está mirando la tristeza.” Nobel Prize winner Mario Vargas Llosa is known for his prolific oeuvre, particularly his long historical novels that portray different aspects and eras of Peru and other parts of Latin America; and yet, his less-known shorter works are narrative gems that show the complexities of the human condition, with characters that cross both geographic and fundamental inner boundaries. We will discuss Death in the Andes and The Storyteller, two books whose protagonists step outside of the predictability of their comfort zones and place themselves in remote communities, where they will assume a radical life transformation. Graphic designer, writer, translator, and photographer, Ivonne Saed has extensively explored the crossroads between the visual and the textual, both in her creative…


Delve Readers Seminar Online: Ritual, Redemption, and Epiphany

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

This Delve will take place online via Zoom. Participants will receive information about how to connect with Zoom online. This Delve Seminar explores the common human experiences of redemption and epiphany and the role that ritual can play in ushering in such profound moments. Through our texts, we’ll examine how ritual can be used to protect societal structures as well as shift culture, how the tension between what has been and what might be leads to necessary conflict within the self, and how the power of acute experience ushers in clarity and the capacity for change. We will read two novellas, The Dead by James Joyce and Babette’s Feast by Isak Dineson (Karen Blixen), and a selection of short stories and poems by Alice Walker,…
