LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Delve Readers Seminar: A Different Sort of Gilead: Marilynne Robinson

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Marilynne Robinson’s first novel, Housekeeping, was shortlisted for the Pulitzer Prize in Fiction in 1982. In 2005, she was awarded the Pulitzer for her second novel, Gilead. In this seminar we will read both novels; a subsequent seminar will focus on Robinson’s third and fourth novels, which take up and expand upon the story told in Gilead. All novels are concerned with questions of family, home, memory, and the often fraught nature of human relationships. In Housekeeping, two sisters struggle towards maturity amidst tragic and complicated family circumstances. Set in a hauntingly atmospheric Idaho town, Robinson’s lyrical story blends the mundane and the mythical and confronts us with both the beauty and the difficulty of love. Gilead takes the form of journal entries, written by…


Kick Start Your Picture Book

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Do you have an idea for a picture book that you’ve never had the chance to get on paper? Or a work in progress that you want to polish into picture book form? This 6-week intensive class will take you through the most vital steps in picture book writing. Through studying the picture book form, reading successful picture books, and focused writing exercises that help you develop your characters, narrative and voice, this workshop will help you write a picture book or turn your picture book manuscript into a solid draft. Access Program We want our writing classes to be accessible to everyone, regardless of income and background. We understand that our tuition structure can present obstacles for some people. Our Access Program offers writing…


VIRTUAL Risograph Basics with Outlet!

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Welcome to our Risograph Basics course: a printing, collage, experimentation, and mark making extravaganza! Get to know Outlet and our RISO sisters (Barbara, Janet, Corita, and Tina) and learn the basics of this fun and unique print method with Kate Bingaman-Burt! About the Workshop: Want to learn what Risograph printing is? Want to meet others who do too? Join us to learn all about the basics of the Risograph in our two-color introduction workshop. The workshop will kick off with a Show & Tell of exactly what a Risograph can do with a printing demo, print and zine samples and a general exploration of how we can get the best results from this amazing printing machine. Supplies for the Workshop: A laptop or similar smart…

$15 – $100

Beautiful, Flawed, and Troubled: Creating Memorable Characters with Carter Sickels

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

WHAT: A four-week generative online collaboration WHEN: Begins Saturday, February 6th, 2021. This class is hosted on our rich interactive online platform, WetInk. The class is broken into four weeks, and within those weeks you go at your own pace. Optional Zoom “happy hours” and a final Zoom class reading may be scheduled at a later date. ACCESS: $350. Payment plans always available—contact Daniel at SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarships are available, please click here to apply. The most memorable characters in fiction are the most human, motivated by desires and regrets, and deeply shaped by places, people, and memories. In this creative incubator, we’ll explore how to develop complex characters with emotional depth. How does desire inform the mystery of a character? How do characters think…


SHIFT – Transformative Change and Indigenous Arts Webinar

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

This webinar will provide an overview and information on how to apply to Native Arts and Cultures Foundation's new program, SHIFT - Transformative Change and Indigenous Arts. The foundation is accepting Letters of Interest until March 16, 2021 at 5:00pm Pacific Time. The SHIFT – Transformative Change and Indigenous Arts program supports artist and community-driven projects responding to social, environmental or economic justice issues through a Native lens. The program focuses on efforts that are built upon community cultural assets, resilience and strengths and draw increased attention to Native communities, perspectives and challenges, shifting a national narrative of invisibility, misunderstanding and misappropriation. SHIFT provides invaluable resources for project development, production and presentation for the artists and their collaborators. For more information, please visit:


E-books and audiobooks at the library: Libby & Hoopla

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Learn how to download free e-books, comics, audiobooks, music and more to your mobile device! Space is limited. Please register via Zoom:


LIFT – Early Career Support for Native Artists Webinar

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

This webinar will provide an overview and information on how to apply to Native Arts and Cultures Foundation's new program, LIFT – Early Career Support for Native Artists. The foundation is accepting applications until March 16, 2021 at 5:00pm Pacific Time. LIFT – Early Career Support for Native Artists program will provide invaluable support to early career Native artists with one-year awards to develop and realize new projects. Support for burgeoning artists is critical in developing fresh voices and envisioning the future of our respective Native practices. LIFT encourages artists to uplift communities, advance positive social change, point courageously toward environmental sustainability, and foster communal meaning making. For more information, please visit:


Writing with our Ancestors, with Chelsea Hicks

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

WHAT: A four-week generative online collaboration WHEN: Begins Friday, February 12th, 2021. This class is hosted on our rich interactive online platform, WetInk. The class is broken into four weeks, and within those weeks you go at your own pace. In addition, Chelsea will host five weekly Zoom session on Fridays from 4-5pm PST. The final Zoom session will be a group reading/celebration. ACCESS: While able to be purchased directly from this site at our standard rate of $350, this offering is available at a sliding scale rate to anyone who inquires. Please reach out to Daniel Elder at Payment plans are also available. In Chiapas and Oaxaca, writers center Indigenous literature with translation across languages, sometimes including three translations. In the northern part…


Let’s Make a Zine! A Riso Zine Making Class w/ Kate Bingaman-Burt

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

It’s zine making time! Dive into all things zine with Outlet and zine queen Kate Bingaman-Burt! In this virtual workshop we’ll explore zine history, types of zines, talk about where to find zines, how to share them, and experiment with different zine formats (including the versatile and ubiquitous one page zine)—also we’ll spend some time actually sort of DEFINING what a zine is for those who are new to this amazing medium for sharing ideas and knowledge! Kate will give tons of prompts, tips, and inspiration to take those ideas and turn them into a tangible lovely THING. Depending on the workshop ticket tier you choose, this class culminates in making a collaborative zine that is riso printed and mailed to you! Supplies Needed A…

$10 – $50

Hybrid Writing Along The Seam

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Consider the sphinx: head of a woman, haunches of a lion, wings of a bird. A creature powerful and wise enough to guard the seam between the sacred and the secular, life and afterlife. Hybrid forms of writing possess a similar power, harnessing two or more established forms to create something new, unique, and potent. Hybrid forms are actually ancient, preceding all genres — genres are forms into which the hybrid was broken. When we reunite these forms, we welcome new, transformative forces into our work. In this course, we will consider various hybrid literary forms: lyric essay, poetic memoir, prose poetry, flash fiction, and visual/verbal hybrids. We’ll look, too, at forms meant for digital platforms that are especially relevant and exciting in our current…
