LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

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Write Now Online: The Narrative Triptych w/ videos by Lidia Yuknavitch (Introvert VersionOngoing)

Online N/A, Portland

Write Now: The Narrative Triptych—a 4-week creative incubator Extrovert Version Begins March 13th! A painted or carved triptych typically has three hinged panels, and the two outer panels can be folded in towards the central one. A literary or musical triptych generally consists of three closely related or contrasting themes or parts. Triptych derives from the Greek triptychos ("having three folds"), formed by combining tri- ("three") and ptychē ("fold" or "layer"). Although triptych originally described a specific type of Roman writing tablet that had three hinged sections, it is not surprising that the idea was generalized first to a type of painting, and then to anything composed of three parts. The triptychs most etched on Lidia’s brain are Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights, Ruben's Elevation of the Cross, and Bacon's Three Studies for…
