LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Drink and Write Tuesdays: Drop in Writer’s Workshop

Rose City Book Pub 1329 NE Fremont, Portland

Drop in between 5:30 and 7:30 pm on Tuesdays and spend your happy hour writing. Hosted by Jeanne Faulkner who provides prompts, tips, coaching, and community. Your bring your computer and notebook, buy your drinks at the bar, and get started. $10 optional contribution to the host.

Free – $10

Prompt Alumni Workshop with IPRC

Write Around Portland 133 SW 2nd Ave, Ste 304, Portland

This special workshop for Prompt alumni will feel like an expansion of one’s previous Prompt workshop experience. It's "Prompt plus" in partnership with the Independent Publishing Resource Center (IPRC)! Participants will still generate new writing together and will also engage in expanded writing exercises and focused re-(vision) activities. The final two workshops will take place at the IPRC studio where participants will receive instruction on how to design and produce risograph prints of their own work. DATES: 10 Tuesdays, Oct 1 – Dec 10, 2019 (skip 11/26)* TIME: 6:30-8:30pm LOCATION: Write Around Portland, 133 SW 2nd Ave., #304, Downtown Portland (and IPRC, 318 SE Main St., #155, Portland for Dec 3 & Dec 10 sessions). FEE: $350 (payment plan available) includes snacks, studio time, additional…


Book and Bake Sale!

The First Congregational United Church of Christ 1126 SW Park Ave, Portland

Network with authors and get your books signed as you enjoy a sweet treat during our holiday gathering. Cookies, cupcakes, pies, and cakes are encouraged. All proceeds from the bake sale support our chapter programming. No admission fee! This event is family-friendly and everyone is welcome to attend and purchase treats and books! Bake Sale will begin at 7pm sharp and the Book Sale will begin at 7:30pm. Both will be open to all until 8pm! 📚🥧🧁🍪🍩📚 Coffee (reg and decaf) and tea will also be provided for all. Please consider bringing a mug or travel mug to reduce the use of paper cups and garbage. 💗🌎 If you are a published Willamette Writers member author and would like to sign up to participate, please…
