LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

FALL Online: Creating a Writer’s Notebook: Artifact and Mulch w Wendy Willis

Online N/A, Portland

In this two-day workshop, we will explore the practice of creating and sustaining a writer's notebook. On the first day, we will begin to use a notebook to catch the wisps of our days and uncover the musings of the deep imagination.  Two weeks later, we will come together to discover how the raw material in the notebook can be transformed into finished pieces of writing. Register for this workshop NOTE: To protect everyone during the COVID-19 pandemic, we're offering our workshops via Zoom. All students must first sign up for a free Zoom account. Setting it up is easy. And we can help you with questions, if needed. For each class, you'll receive a Zoom "invitation," from the instructor. Click the link...follow the simple directions about the settings…

$155 – $175

Looking Back to Look Forward: A Daily Writing Practice

Online N/A, Portland

This class will help you adopt crucial creative habits using your memory of the past to build a practice for the future. Using a series of daily in-class and at-home prompts that focus on ideas of home, trek childhood, and position memory as present, you will generate new work and use research-based ways to bring a sustainable practice into your life. Everyone will have opportunities to give and receive generous feedback on the development of your practice, as well as on your writing. We will pay particular attention to the voice and structure of new work and engage with the common themes that arise out of these prompts: the grief of all families, the complicated solipsism of children, and the way language gives new meaning…


Writing Along the Seam

Online N/A, Portland

Consider the sphinx: head of a woman, haunches of a lion, wings of a bird. A creature powerful and wise enough to guard the seam between the sacred and the secular, life and afterlife. Hybrid forms of writing possess a similar power, harnessing two or more established forms to create something new, unique, and potent. When we reunite these forms, we welcome new, transformative forces into our work. In this course, we will consider various hybrid literary forms: lyric essay, poetic memoir, prose poetry, flash fiction, and visual/verbal hybrids. We’ll consider the unique powers of each of these forms and see what they can offer our writing. Access Program We want our writing classes to be accessible to everyone, regardless of income and background. We…


Voice: The Eternal Pursuit of Eloquence w/ Mitchell S. Jackson

Online N/A, Portland

WHAT: A two-hour online webinar WITH: Mitchell S. Jackson WHEN: Saturday, October 3rd 1PM-3PM PST WHERE: ZOOM! (But of course.) Meeting registration and access details will be provided in advance. HOW MUCH: $100. Payment plans are always available, contact Daniel Elder at SCHOLARSHIPS: As with most of our offerings, scholarships are available. Click here to apply. One of the most effective ways in prose to, as Susan Sontag says, “preserve the works of the mind against oblivion,” is to craft an eloquent voice. But before one can do that, one must know what is meant by an eloquent voice. In this seminar, we will define literary voice and identify its most prevalent aspects: diction, syntax, acoustics, and visual logic included. As well, we will…
