LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Coffee Talk #28

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Come hear 5 wonderful writers read their grief words and share their hearts. The zoom reading will be about an hour long. Invite your friends. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 822 3101 8255 Passcode: 264954


Literally Crawling 2021 – A Virtual Lit-Crawl

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Working to find ways to bring writing and literature to everyone during the pandemic, zines + things (Portland, OR) and Death Rattle Writers Fest (Nampa, Idaho) have joined together to create Literally Crawling, an entirely online lit crawl planned for November 5, 6, and 7 2021. Co-Hosting literature showcases will be lit-journals Cobra Milk and Ginger Bug Press. Save the date and RSVP to get reader announcement updates! We can't wait to get together for a lovely weekend of sharing the literary arts from some truly amazing artists. Register to attend here: 4 Literature showcases and a writing workshop! Nov 5 - Friday : zines + things & DRWF Opening Showcase 6pm PST / 7pm MST / 8pm CST / 9pm EST Nov 6…

$7 – $14

Imago Dei: Open Mic Night

Imago Dei Community Loft 1302 Southeast Ankeny Street, Portland, OR, United States

Do you have a song, poem, spoken word piece, or piece of visual art you’ve been working on? Come share it with a like-minded crew of Imago folks & friends! Are you a really great audience member? We want you too! Friday, November 5th, from 7-9pm in the Loft of the Ankeny building. Open sign-ups for a 5-minute performance slot are from 7-7:20pm. Show starts at 7:30pm. Questions? Email


From the Fragments with Roe McDermott

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

From the Fragments w/ Roe McDermott WHAT: A 6-week generative online workshop WHEN: The online class space opens 11/6, and there will be biweekly Zoom sessions every other Sunday evening at 6PM GMT+1, beginning Sunday 11/14 ACCESS: $350. Payment plans available—contact Daniel at SCHOLARSHIPS: Scholarships are available, please click here to apply. “I have always been tormented by the image of multiplicity of selves. Some days I call it richness, and other days I see it as a disease, a proliferation as dangerous as cancer. My first concept about people around me was that all of them were coordinated into a whole, whereas I was made of multitude of selves, of fragments.” – Anais Nin Fragmentation is the process of breaking, of separating, of…


Portland Book Festival 2021

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Portland Book Festival 2021 will be a hybrid event. There will be virtual events from November 8–12, leading up to an in-person festival day on Saturday, November 13, 2021 at Portland Art Museum and Portland’5, as well as in-person writing workshops at our downtown Literary Arts space. We will announce this year’s lineup of authors and events and tickets will go on sale on September 22. Youth 17 and under (and/or with a valid high school I.D.) will receive free entry. Although this continues to be an uncertain time, Literary Arts remains committed to the safety of all readers and writers and will follow all health and safety guidelines. Whether you join us online or in-person, we are excited to build community and celebrate books, storytelling, and the power of…

$15 – $25

FALL | Zoom | Digging Deep w Wendy Willis | Nov 8 – June 20 TWO SPOTS REMAINING

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Meeting every other week for sixteen sessions, this ongoing and supportive writing community both studies aspects of craft and shares work for feedback in a multi-genre, generative approach. | Maximum: 12 writers Required to join: email letter of interest describing your experience writing and what you're working on. Email with required letter of interest  Schedule Nov 8 + 22 Dec 6 Jan 3 + 17 + 31 Feb 7 + 21 Mar 7 + 21 Apr 4 + 18 May 2 + 16 June 6 + 20 NOTE: Click to sign up for a free Zoom account. Teacher: Wendy Willis Time: Mondays, Nov 8 - June 20, 2022, 5:30 - 8pm Pacific Time, every other week, 16 sessions Location: Zoomoom | Online Workshop Total Fee: Discounted Early Registration is due seven (7) days…

$860 – $907

Write Around Portland: Bi-Monthly BIPOC Online Writing Workshop

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

For people who identify as Black, Indigenous or People of Color (BIPOC). 2nd & 4th Friday of every month from 4 to 5:30 pm (Pacific Time), Free. (No workshops 11/26 & 12/24.) Workshops are held via Zoom. Pre-registration is required. Registration opens the 1st of the month every month. Pre-register for our 2nd Friday workshop here. Pre-register for our 4th Friday workshop here. Click here for more workshop details.


FALL | Zoom | Prose Poem Workshop w Ruben Quesada | Nov 13 NEW OFFERING — SPACE AVAILABLE

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

A generative workshop that explores the boundaries of poetry. The intersection of poetry and prose offers a range of possibilities for style and subject. In this course, we will write together, and we will discuss poetic elements found in sentences. No previous writing experience is needed. "Thank you Ruben Quesada for an incredible class. It was full of fascinating information and the prompts Ruben gave us inspired my generative work (and from the other poets, you could tell it was the same for them)! Ruben also cultivated a space of openness and sharing that was truly remarkable for such a short class. He is a fantastic addition to the Attic, and I sincerely hope to take classes with him in the future. I most definitely would…

$65 – $83

Incite: Queer Writers Read – November

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Incite: Queer Writers Read is a curated, bimonthly reading series for Queer writers. Incite’s hope is to create conversation, connection, and greater understanding both within the Queer community and with other communities. Hosted by Vinnie Kinsella and Jennifer Perrine. The theme for November is “Bare.” Register for this event in advance. Andrew L. Huerta lives in Tucson, Arizona, where he has spent the last twenty-four years in Higher Education teaching/advising students who are the first in their families to attend college. With his MA in Creative Writing and PhD in Education, he just published a collection of short stories entitled A Different Man (Bold Stroke Books) and is now looking to complete his first novel, Raggedy Anthony. His short stories have appeared in Chelsea Station Magazine,…
