LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Wordlights Poetry ft. Micah Fletcher

Rocking Frog Cafe 2511 SE Belmont St, Portland

Wordlights Saturday poetry evenings are presented by NovaPDX & Rocking Frog Cafe and curated by Portland poet Igor Brezhnev. On Saturday, February 29th, we'll have a feature from Micah Fletcher and a long set poetry open mic! This show is hosted by Allegra White! OUR FEATURE: Micah Fletcher Micah Fletcher is a nationally recognized poet and spoken word artist who took first place in Portland Oregon’s city wide youth poetry competition called Verselandia in 2013. YOUR HOST: Allegra White Allegra White is a writer based in Portland, Oregon. Allegra's chapbook of poetry On The Backs Of Product Request Forms (2019) explores themes of escapism and humor in the mundane. Her full length poetry collection will be released in 2020 by Lightship Press. She studied English…


Spare Room reading: James Yeary & Lisa Radon

Passages Bookshop 1801 NW Upshur, Suite 660, Portland

James Yeary and Lisa Radon will read from their new books, Hawai'i and Age of Sand. "Hawai'i" is a survey of the emotional topography of the outer solar system. Different sources (all imagined) culture (microbiologically) its dreaming cartographer. Accompanying "Hawai'i," a serial poem called "Lucien" watches the self-mythologizing of an old galaxy that out of loneliness has started talking to itself. Hawai’i by James Yeary ciel o canth (Alderich Mime, Lake Vostok), 2020. Cover by Sam Lohmann. 52 pages, hand-sewn in an edition of 220. AGE OF SAND is a book of log entries that imagines impossible interconnectivities, rewritings and rewrightings of the digital and the analog, the past and the future through a cyberfeminist lens. What are the qualities of the permeable membrane between…
