LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

One Page Wednesday: February

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Share or listen to one page of work in progress from talented writers from everywhere. Come with a single page of work and sign up to read – or come to listen and prepare to be inspired! Hosted by Natalie Serber. February’s featured reader is Brian Benson. Register in advance for this event Brian Benson is the author of Going Somewhere (Plume, 2014), and co-author, with Richard Brown, of This Is Not For You: An Activist's Journey of Resistance and Resilience (OSU Press, March 2021). In addition to his work with Literary Arts, Brian teaches at the Attic Institute and facilitates free Write Around Portland workshops in schools, treatment centers and affordable housing. His short nonfiction has been published in Entropy, The Sun and Off Assignment. He is at work on his third book,…


Coffee Talk #19

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Come hear 5 wonderful writers read their hearts on a winter's night. Join us in the zoom room at 7 PM Pacific on Thursday February 4th, 2021. Featuring: Adam Strong, Jasmine Pettet, Melissa Lynne, Poppy Lyn, Sue Fagalde Lick Join Zoom Meeting


Book Launch for Pobrecitos: New Poems by Eileen Davis Elliott

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

POBRECITOS A VIRTUAL EVENT FOR LOVERS OF WORDS AND IMAGES A Zoom event and book launch February 5, 2021 First Friday at 4:30 pm A collaborative work written by Eileen Davis Elliott Illustrated by Lily Engblom-Stryker and Ava Town, students and established creators sharing views of “ poor ones,” marginalized people of the world RSVP to to receive a Zoom invitation, or for more information or call 360-433-8515. The poetry collection reflects many years of travel to far-off corners in the world by retired Vancouver, WA psychologist Eileen Davis Elliott. She sought the collaboration of two young artists who are studying at Vancouver School of Arts and Academics. The poems have been illustrated by Ava Town of Ridgefield and Lily Engblom-Stryker of Vancouver. The…


Winter Poetry Workshop

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

IPRC Creative Workshops for Winter 2021 will be held online via zoom, PST. Register here This is a workshop for all levels, whether you’ve just written your first poem or have been seriously writing for years. Each week, we’ll read and discuss one another’s work, emphasizing both craft (the shaping and forming of language) as well as the vision that’s unique to each individual. Our conversations will rest upon the assumption that there is no “correct” answer in art—that is, the thoughts and feelings that each piece of writing evokes will be a welcome part of the discussion. All aesthetics are welcome, experimentation is encouraged, and we will strive to meet each piece of writing on its own terms. Through engaging with one another’s work,…


Creative Semester: Poetry

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

IPRC Creative Writing Workshops for Winter 2021 will be held online via zoom, PST. Register here Taught by Catie Hannigan, Creative Semester is a new hybrid creative writing workshop that brings together creative practice, generative writing, critical discussion and an exploration of bookforms. With an emphasis on continual creative engagement participants will learn four bookforms in tandem with monthly generative writing prompts. The workshop will also incorporate asynchronous community engagement, with ample opportunity to give and receive feedback on creative work. Over the course of 6 months, participants will be challenged to explore craft choices through journaling & creative writing prompts, and assigned readings and book discussions. Participants will come away with four hand-crafted bookarts projects, a suite of new poems, and a creative community.…


Application Deadline: Flash in the Pan

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

FLASH! In The Pan is a series of 10-day long creative writing workshops with prompts, lessons, & guest talks from Rachel Mckibbens, Casey Rocheteau, & Siaara Freeman. This series of workshops is for Queer/Trans* Black, Indigenous Writers / of Color. Each session has 20 seats max. The workshop will utilize, Google Groups, Google Meet, Drive, & Youtube Live. Facilitated by jayy dodd. Tuition for each workshop is $100, scholarships available. Apply here Flash Sessions: Flash Session 1 w/ Rachel McKibbens (Feb. 19th – 28th) Flash Session 2 w/ Casey Rocheteau (March 12th – 21st) Flash Session 3 w/ Siaara Freeman (April 2nd – 11th)


Chapbook Workshop

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

IPRC Creative Workshops for Winter 2021 will be held online via zoom, PST. Register here Have you been wanting to put a chapbook or short poetry collection together? Begin your new year by returning to an existing body of work with fresh eyes, incorporating new editorial techniques and peer feedback designed to sharpen your work into an impactful chapbook in four weeks. In this month-long intensive course, students will share, discuss, and learn from a variety of short publications. Theories of composition, ordering, editing, thematic approaches, and publication FAQs will be covered. Each student will have the opportunity to workshop a short collection and receive feedback from the class and the instructor. At the end of the class, students will ideally leave with a sharpened, short…


The Work Poetry Workshop: Monday Night Edition

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

Join us on the second and fourth Monday of every month for The Work. The Monday Night Edition of The Work takes place from 6-8:30 pm on the second and fourth Monday of each month, unless otherwise noted. These workshops will take place on Zoom until it is safe to do so again in person. Upcoming Monday night workshops will take place on February 22, March 8 & 22, and April 12 & 26. The Work is a drop-in poetry writing workshop for beginners as well as more experienced writers. Poetry encourages empathy and compassion, and sparks the shifts in consciousness which can lead to healing, personal growth, and an interest in fighting for progressive social change. We will read and discuss poetry, write several…

Free – $20

Poet’s Essay

Online N/A, Portland, OR, United States

IPRC Creative Workshops for Winter 2021 will be held online via zoom, PST. Register here Somewhere between prose poetry and lyric essay there’s a genre of weird and brilliant writing I’m calling “the poet’s essay.” From Hanif Abdurraqib to Chris Kraus, this genre combines the imagistic musicality of poems with the argumentative structure of an essay. In this six-week generative course, students will explore and discuss examples of essays by poets and have the opportunity to generate work that follows different structures within this exciting genre. Reading list will/may include writers such as Maggie Nelson, Mary Ruefle, Eileen Myles, Joe Wenderoth, Claudia Rankine, Alexander Chee, and others. Open to writers of all levels. Students will leave the class with several starts and a greater understanding of…
