LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Judy Nedry presents Blackthorn

Annie Bloom's Books 7834 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland

Portland author Judy Nedry returns to Annie Bloom's for Blackthorn, the latest in her Emma Golden Mystery Series. A crumbling old resort. A dead brother. A phantom boat in the mist. Nightmares. And then, a body. In this modern-day gothic novel set on the scenic Columbia River Gorge, Sage Blackthorn revisits demons from her past and confronts a multitude of new ones when she returns to her childhood home to solve the mystery of her brother’s death. Sage left the Pacific Northwest ten years ago and has worked her way into a cushy travel editor’s job at one of the big five women’s magazines based in New York City. Recently, however, her life has taken an ugly turn. Her leave of absence from the magazine…


Jeff Alworth

Broadway Books 1714 NE Broadway, Portland

Come hear all about the beginning of Portland’s craft beer scene as we welcome author and beer connoisseur Jeff Alworth at 7 pm on Wednesday, April 17th, to talk about his newly published book The Widmer Way: How Two Brothers Led Portland’s Craft Beer Revolution (Ooligan Press). At the time the two Widmer brothers, Rob and Kurt (the second and fourth of four siblings), began thinking about brewing their own beer, the United States had only ninety breweries, and that number was dropping. When they went looking for financing, banks laughed at them. But the brothers were committed to bringing Portland’s crafty can-do attitude to the beer industry, and they succeeded in spades, changing the world of craft brewing forever. Jeff Alworth has written five…


Delilah Dawson & Kevin Hearne

Powell's Books at Cedar Hills Crossing 3415 SW Cedar Hills Blvd, Beaverton

Go big or go gnome. The bestselling authors of Kill the Farm Boy return to the world of Pell, the irreverent fantasy universe that recalls Monty Python and Terry Pratchett. In No Country for Old Gnomes (Del Rey), Delilah S. Dawson and Kevin Hearne lovingly tweak the tropes of fantasy. Here you’ll find goofy jokes and whimsical puns, but you’ll also find a diverse, feminist, and lighthearted approach to fantasy that will bring a smile to your face and many fine cheeses to your plate.


Ungovernable: The Victorian Parent’s Guide to Raising Flawless Children

Powell's City of Books 1005 W Burnside Street, Portland

Feminist historian Therese Oneill is back to educate you on what to expect when you're expecting… a Victorian baby! In Ungovernable (Little, Brown), Oneill conducts an unforgettable tour through the backwards, pseudoscientific, downright bizarre parenting fashions of the Victorians. Endlessly surprising, wickedly funny, and filled with juicy historical tidbits and images, Ungovernable provides much-needed perspective on – and comic relief from – the age-old struggle to bring up baby.
