LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Reading: Shawn Aveningo Sanders: What She Was Wearing

Annie Bloom's Books 7834 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland

Annie Bloom's welcomes Portland poet Shawn Aveningo Sanders to read from What She Was Wearing. How long can you keep a dark secret before you become completely unraveled? In What She Was Wearing, Sanders uses poetry, prose, and letters to tell her #MeToo story—one that has taken over 30 years to reveal. In this collection, Shawn shares her nightmare of being raped at a fraternity toga party, and examines the event from a variety of perspectives, including poems written from the viewpoint of her attackers; the toga she was wearing; homecoming years later; and even the moment she told her college-aged children. As Shawn’s story unfolds, the reader will come to understand how significant the aftermath of rape can be. For decades, she was "triggered"…


Kiersten White in Conversation With Laini Taylor

Powell's Books at Cedar Hills Crossing 3415 SW Cedar Hills Blvd, Beaverton

Now that Nina has turned the Watcher’s Castle into a utopia for hurt and lonely demons, she’s still waiting for the utopia part to kick in. With her sister Artemis gone and only a few people remaining at the castle – including her still-distant mother – Nina has her hands full. But there’s also a new threat on the outside, portended by an odd triangle symbol that seems to be popping up everywhere. Because one near-apocalypse just isn’t enough, right? The darkness always finds you. And once again, it’s coming for the Slayer. Chosen (Simon Pulse) is the new novel from Kiersten White, set in the world of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. White will be joined in conversation by Laini Taylor, author of the Daughter…


Incite: Queer Writers Read

Literary Arts 925 SW Washington Street, Portland

Welcome the New Year with a reading vaguely connected to the theme: The 20s. Our powerhouse lineup includes: Joni Renee Whitworth, Leah Baer, Jessica Mehta, and Dustin Hendrick. This year heralds great change, and it's a great time to join in this community and this discussion. Please join us.


Shea Serrano

Powell's City of Books 1005 W Burnside Street, Portland

Shea Serrano is back, and his new book, Movies (And Other Things) (Twelve), combines the fury of a John Wick shootout, the sly brilliance of Regina George holding court at a cafeteria table, and the sheer power of a Denzel monologue. Many, many things happen in Movies (And Other Things), some of which are funny, others of which are sad, a few of which are insightful, and all of which are handled with the type of care and dedication to the smallest details and pockets of pop culture that only a book by Shea Serrano can provide.
