LitPDX seeks to amplify marginalized voices, and welcomes all, their ideas, their events, and their words.

For details regarding specific events please contact the organizers or venues. If you are an organizer or venue and would like to reach out to us please feel free to contact us or submit an event using our submission form. We’d love to hear from you!

Ooligan Press Writers of Color Spring Showcase

Online N/A, Portland

Literary Arts and Ooligan Press (part of Portland State’s graduate program in Book Publishing) partner to present the fourth Oregon Writers of Color Spring Showcase. This event will feature many of Oregon’s most talented, diverse writers and is designed to connect these artists with the publishers seeking to hear their voices. The evening’s host will be 2020 Oregon Literary Fellowship Recipient Olufunke Grace Bankole. Register in Advance for this Event Olufunke Grace Bankole is a first-generation American of Nigerian parentage. After graduating from Harvard Law School, and completing a Soros Justice Advocacy Fellowship, she left law to write. Her works have appeared in Glimmer Train, Michigan Quarterly Review, New Letters, AGNI, and The Antioch Review, among others. She won the Glimmer Train Short-Story Award for…


Variety Show on Zoooooom

Online N/A, Portland

Join us for a virtual show. Performers Include: Nick Cain with comedy, Reading from Micah Read, Rebecca Smolen and Kevin Sampsell, And an art talk by Charlie Ross Please consider contributing to this live virtual event with an optional cover fee here:



Online N/A, Portland

Hey babes, We will be having a very special Pride/BlackLivesMatter edition of Queer PDXpression Stay Home Stay Queer. We would like to offer the space and platform to anyone who would like their voice heard. as we embark on Pride 2020 let us remember this is a time to reflect, mourn and celebrate our elders and the growth we have made as individuals in our community. let us remember the first pride was a RIOT when a Black Trans Activist threw the first brick. continue this platform and join us to support our community. Show: June 18th at 7:30 PM. I will drop the Zoom Room and Password the day of.
